The Honeymoon Part 8

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The capital city of Theed was located high above a river on rich, green plains, the palace on a cliff's edge, surrounded by many waterfalls tumbling down into the water below. With how it was situated, it looked almost like it was floating. The architecture was elegant, with domed earthy-tan buildings, the tips painted a bluish-green that could rival the planet itself. The place looked harmonious and picturesque, Darcy gasping when it came into view, her eyes widening as they flew closer.

Beeps sounded from the ship's console, alerting them of a transmission.

"This is Theed Hangar," An operator said over the comm. "Millennium Falcon, we are tracking you. Please state your business, over."

"Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan said you'd be expecting us," Din said. "We are the Djarins, here on the Princess' behest, over." 

It was silent for a moment, Darcy chewing on her lip, a nervous flutter in her tummy that was making her a bit queasy. Logically she knew there wasn't anything to worry about, but they were going to the place where the queen of the planet lived, so security would be tight.

Din wouldn't want to leave the ship unarmed, and she hoped that by having an in with Leia, there would be no questions about her husband arriving with half an armory strapped to his body.

Maybe she could convince him to leave the spear and perhaps a couple of the charges on his belt—one flash charge and a grav charge should be enough, right? That's a good compromise.

"We've been expecting you," the operator replied. "Please make your way into the main hangar, over."

Darcy let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in.

Din hit some buttons in front of him before both hands returned to the controls. "Copy that. Locked in on the hangar."

She looked over at her husband.

"Wow, we get to park at the palace," Darcy said. "Didn't realize we were that fancy."

His helmet turned towards her, knowing his eyes were locked on hers. "I'm surprised, too. Leia did say someone would be meeting us when we arrived."

Darcy grinned, "I gotta say, it's pretty sweet having powerful acquaintances."

"You're more than acquaintances, cyar'ika..." he said slowly. "Leia sees you as a friend—sees us both as friends."

She frowned, not sure if she believed that it was too much to wish for. Leia Organa, their friend? Sure, she's been friendly, and she did gift Darcy this beautiful, surprisingly comfortable dress even though she felt a bit bloated. But none of that meant they were friends by any means.

"Why do you think that?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's what she called us when I spoke to her."

She can hear him smirking, his head turning back toward the viewport while Darcy looks at him in shock.

"Excuse me?" The surprise is in her tone. "Dinjamin Djarin, you have been keeping it a secret from me that Leia Organa—Princess fucking Leia—said I'm her best friend, and you're only now telling me?"


"Yeah, I've decided it's your full name, but that is beside the point. You have been keeping secrets!"

"I prefer Din, and I thought you knew you were friends...? You're good at making friends. You know Luke is your friend, right?"

"Lucas Skywalker is on thin fucking ice, but yes, I know he's my friend. But Leia? Had no idea."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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