The Honeymoon Part 1

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Naboo was another one of those worlds that took Darcy's breath away when it came into view.

It was covered in blues, with greens mixed in, the clouds swirling above it.

Serene was Darcy's first thought as she took it in.

Peaceful was her second thought the closer they approached.

"I think Naboo might be the prettiest planet we've come across," Darcy said as she looked over at Din.

He was in his armor, his helmet in his lap. Din had gone about cleaning his armorweave flight suit himself, ridding it of the blood, and repairing the cut, not wanting Darcy to deal with it. He'd told her to stay in her regular clothes for their arrival, that he wasn't worried about any threats, and if anything, he'd be armed enough for the both of them. He just wanted her to be comfortable. Darcy still strapped her blaster to her thigh, though.

Din met her gaze, a soft smile on his face."Yeah?" He replied. "I like it too. Reminds me of your eyes," he said very casually, like it was just the natural thing to say.

"What?" She asked.

There was no way her eyes looked anything like the gorgeous planet in front of them.

"The blue is about the same color as your eyes. My favorite color," he said nonchalantly, with a slight shrug.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked again.

His favorite color? She didn't believe that.

His brows knit together in confusion. "I love your eyes and how beautiful they are," he said, slowly.

"Really? And it's your favorite color?" Her eyebrows were up to her hairline, and she couldn't quite believe what she was hearing.

Din nodded, smiling that soft smile. "Yes. I hope our future ade (children) get them."

Darcy felt herself melt a little bit at that.

"God, you're so sweet. I think you have beautiful eyes."

Din's cheeks pinked up, and he looked away, moving his head to look at the controls in front of him. "You've told me. Thank you," he said softly.

"And I hope our kids have your eyes and nose."

Din looked over at her again. "My nose?" he asked, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Oh yeah. I love your nose. I think you're so handsome. Just want little copies of you running around," she said it almost dreamily, a smile on her face as she imagined Grogu and Finn running around with little versions of Din. Children with messy brown curls, his big brown eyes, and that nose. It made her happy thinking about it. 

Din's lips turned up. "I hope they're a mix of the both of us." 

"Yeah?" She asked.

Din nodded. "Yeah."

Darcy leaned forward, Din meeting her so they could kiss.

"I can't wait to get to this villa," Darcy said when they parted. "Then we can try some more." She wagged her eyebrows at him, and Din chuckled.

"We will if that's what you want to do. It's three days that we'll spend doing whatever you want."

"I want you to have fun too," Darcy replied with a slight frown. She didn't want this trip to be all about her.

"I will," he reassured. "Think of this as a belated honeymoon, where we'll relax, explore a bit, spend some time together–"

"'Spend some time together' definitely means sex," Darcy said with a grin.

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