The Discussion (or Darcy knows what she wants)

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Darcy had spent the last two nights in Din's bunk getting to know him intimately. She quickly found out the guy loved going down on her. He was a quick learner, figuring out what she liked, and she honestly had never come so much in her entire life. Darcy had an extra pep in her step and felt a lot more relaxed. And the guy fucked her good too. Din really cared about making sure she was enjoying herself, and Darcy had zero complaints.

He also seemed to like holding her, being as close to her as possible in the bed, and she'd wake up with him wrapped around her like an octopus. It was adorable hearing his little snores, and she liked the feel of his face nestled against her head. It was comforting and nice, and she felt wanted by him.

Darcy knew she liked the man, she'd been crushing on him for so long, but this new development to their relationship was making her want more. She wanted to show him that she cared about him outside of the darkness of the bunk. Darcy could see herself having a life with this great guy and his small green son. She'd been stuck in this universe for over six months by her estimate, and she'd basically given up on being found. So, she would make the most of her situation, and she wanted to be with Din. She wanted that with every fiber of her being. Seeing as Din was acting casual during the day and he wasn't a man of many words, Darcy realized that she would have to be the one to bring it up.

Which was fine.

Darcy wasn't afraid to go after what she wanted.

She'd just put the kid down for a nap in his hammock. Darcy smiled as she rubbed one of his ears. He looked so peaceful as he snored a little bit, reminding her of how his dad snored. She stepped away from the bunk and closed the door.

If she was going to have this talk with Din, she didn't want to have it in front of the child.

Darcy made her way up to the cockpit. Din was doing something on the control panel while seated in the captain's chair. She thought maybe he was checking messages if the blue holo of a man was anything to go by. She walked in, and Din's head turned towards her as she approached him. He shut off the holo.

"Hey, I put the kid down for a nap." Din started getting up from his seat, clearly eager to go to the Captain's quarters and get naked with her. Darcy giggled as she put a hand out. "Not so fast, big guy."

He slowly sat back down, his shoulders slumping a little. "I'm sorry I assumed," Din said, quickly apologizing.

Darcy's eyes widened, her hands going up in a placating gesture. "Oh, no. We're totally going to go get naked." He seemed to perk up at that, and Darcy had to hold in another giggle. "I just wanted to talk with you about something really quick without the kid around."

Din's helmet tilted. "Okay. What did you want to talk about?"

"Firstly, the sex? Fantastic. I don't want to stroke your ego, but honestly the best I've ever had. Ten out of ten would recommend."

"That's good...?"

"It's wonderful. I don't want to pressure you, but if you're down, I want more."

"More sex?" He sounded confused. "The kid only sleeps so much..."

Darcy snorted. "No, like more." She put emphasis on the last word. "Like a relationship? I'd like to be with you as your partner and have feelings, and I don't know, see where this," she pointed between the two of them, "can go. I really like you, Din, and I'm just putting it out there that I'd be down to be with you for more than just sex."

Din is quiet for a moment as he registered what she had said. "You want a relationship... with me?" He asked slowly.

Darcy nodded. "Yeah. But only if you want that. Like I said, no pressure. I'm just putting it on the table. If all you want is sex, I'm cool with that too." It'd bum her out, but she'd take what she could get, and the sex was fantastic. She didn't want to give that up.

I'll Always Follow - Mandalorian/MCU CrossoverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin