Darcy and Her Knight in Shiny Armor

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They were on a forest planet in the outer rim called Dantooine; it didn't have much in terms of large cities, mostly just small towns. The Razor Crest was parked on the outskirts of one of these small towns in a clearing, and Darcy was watching the kid while Mando was out hunting a bounty. The child was sound asleep in the bunk, while Darcy cleaned up around the ship. Darcy and the kid had spent the day playing outside the ship, enjoying the fresh air, and having the time of their lives. It was enough to wear out the small child. Darcy was wiping down the crate they used as a table when she heard sounds outside. She checked on the baby, ensuring he was still sleeping and closed the bunk door, before pulling her blaster from her thigh holster and cautiously made her way out of the ship through the side ramp.

Darcy Lewis had gotten sucked into the Star Wars universe six months prior when one of Jane Foster's portals malfunctioned. It was shocking to find herself in the Star Wars universe, but Darcy did what needed to be done to survive until Jane could get her back. Darcy lived on Tatooine for what she estimated was about three months until she met Mando and the baby. When she recognized the child's species, Mando took an interest and offered her a job to look after the kid. She knew the Star Wars movies and used that to make herself useful in Mando's search for the child's kind. She had only known them for a few months, and already they both had a special place in her heart, and she'd do anything for either of them.

Darcy didn't have any fear of checking the noise out. Mando had warned her about potential bounty hunters coming for the kid, and she was good with guns. In her universe, she had been trained by the Black Widow and became pretty proficient at hand to hand and using weapons. A blaster wasn't too far off from a gun; it just fired lasers instead of bullets. When she was brought in to help care for the child, and search for his kind, Mando had insisted she needed a weapon. She chose a blaster that looked similar to Han Solo's, which she found amusing. Mando was impressed by how she handled the weapon and was comfortable leaving her with the kid for long periods of time.

She was rounding the back corner of the ship with her blaster at the ready when a hand came out of nowhere, pushing her hands down with the weapon, and then grabbing her and pulling her forward. Her blaster fell to the ground. She broke the hold on her arms and stepped back, getting a good look at the alien in front of her.

It was about a foot taller than her, looked human-like except for the horns on its head and tattoos. Kind of reminded Darcy of Darth Maul from episode one, but the skin tone was lighter than Maul's.

"Alright, Fuck Face, let's brawl!" Darcy got into a fighting stance.

The alien whipped out a vibroblade from somewhere on his person and growled at her.

"Too scared for hand to hand, I see. No worries," Darcy shrugged. He lunged to attack her. She dodged the swipes, until she found an opening, hitting the blade out of his hand.

Using momentum, she swung herself up and around the alien's shoulders, doing the Black Widow's signature thigh move to bring the alien down and choking him until he quit moving and passed out. She got up, quickly grabbed her fallen blaster, and the discarded vibroblade.

Darcy looked around to make sure there were no more assailants, and that's when she noticed Mando standing about 50 feet away, stopped in his tracks, with a body dragging behind him.

She smiled and did a little wave to him. Her heart felt like it was going to thump out of her chest. The adrenaline was coursing through her veins.

Mando seemed to snap out of it and began hauling the body at a quick pace towards her. When he got to her, he dropped the body and brought his gloved hands up to her shoulders.

"Are you alright?" He asked, sounding concerned.

"Oh, that?" Darcy asked, pointing with her thumb toward the guy she'd just taken out. "Yeah, I'm fine. Not sure about the other guy, though," Darcy said, laughing nervously. Mando's concern made her heart soar, and hope rise in her chest that maybe he was feeling what she was.

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