Whatever It Takes

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On Moff Gideon's light cruiser...

He had been trained not to give in to his anger. Anger led to hate. Hate led to suffering. That's what Master Yoda would say.

But Grogu was angry.

He'd watched the woman he called his mother gunned down by the battle droids. He usually found peace in not being able to feel her in the force; she was a void, a peacefulness in the neverending rush that was the force. Something he'd never felt before he met her. Right now, he didn't like that he couldn't feel her. That he couldn't find her and know if she was okay. He had to hope his father would get to her in time. His father, the man who saved him, and gave him a family. His father had to save her.

Grogu couldn't recall his birth parents. He'd been taken to the temple as a baby, raised by the Jedi. And then the Jedi had fallen, and he'd been hidden. He hated thinking about that time. The hunger he felt, the sadness. One moment there were millions of other Jedi he could feel in the force, and the next, they were gone. Their lights extinguished.

He'd never felt so lonely.

But now he had a family.

A father and a mother who loved him dearly, and he loved them. Grogu was angry that he'd been taken from them and worried about Darcy.

He used the force, choking the two stormtroopers who were watching guard over him. He flung them across the room into the walls, giving in to his anger, making them suffer. He could feel himself get weaker the more he used the force. He'd gone so many years without practicing and having to hide his abilities; he wasn't as strong as he should've been. He needed to be strong to protect his family.

The door to the cell opened, and a man wearing all black entered. He seemed to be important if the guards trailing him had anything to say about it.

Grogu continued choking the two stormtroopers.

"Set to stun," one of the new arrivals called, lifting their weapon.

"Wait," the man in black said, lifting a hand.

Grogu flung the two stormtroopers into each other hard enough that they bounced off of one another and into the walls.

Grogu was so tired, he fell over on himself, breathing heavily from the exertion.

The man approached Grogu.

"You've gotten good at that. But it makes you oh-so sleepy. I understand you're angry," the man crouched down in front of him. "Your caretaker was collateral damage. She put up quite the fight trying to protect you, but keep in mind I am not afraid to kill those who get in my way, and well," he paused, smiling. "She got in the way."

No, she couldn't be dead.

Grogu hated this man, and he wanted him to suffer. This man had his mother killed. He would pay. Grogu put out his hand in an attempt to choke the other man, but he was too exhausted to wield the force.

"Awe, you're all tuckered out. Tell me, have you ever seen one of these? From years past?" Grogu's eyes widened as the man pulled out what was clearly a lightsaber hilt, and then he was igniting it, the blade black.

Grogu reached out, wanting to take it from the man and strike him down.

The man chuckled, pulling the saber back. "Oh, uh-uh-uh. You're not ready to play with such things. Liable to put an eye out with one of these." He stood up. "Looks like you could use a nice long sleep."

The man motioned for one of his guards to blast Grogu with a stun ray. The last thing Grogu thought before he lost consciousness was that his father would come for him, and they'd both make this man pay for what he did to them.

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