It's where you belong (Here by my side) Part 8

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"Din!" Darcy gasped as her eyes flew open. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest. She could feel the adrenaline flowing through her veins as the tendrils of the nightmare lingered in the back of her mind.

Tears were brimming in her eyes, her throat felt tight, her brain kept replaying the images from the nightmare over and over again.

"Darcy?" Din's voice cut through her thoughts, bringing her to the present.

She took a second to focus on her surroundings.

She was in bed. She was being held, arms wrapped around her torso. She could feel breaths against her ear.

"Darcy?" Din said again, voice soft. "Cyar'ika (sweetheart), what's wrong?"

Darcy turned her head, her mouth seeking his. Their mouths met, Din humming in a confused tone as he kissed her back. She just needed a second to come back to herself, and the familiar feeling of Din's mouth was helping, grounding her, keeping her in the now.

Din seemed to catch on quickly, understanding that this was something she needed, so he just kissed her back, his arms pulling her body closer to his.

It's a couple of minutes later that they part, Darcy's heart beating at a normal pace now, the adrenaline gone, the nightmare only a hazy memory.

"I'm sorry I woke you," Darcy whispered, their faces so close to one another they could feel each other breathing.

Din's hand came up, pushing hair out of her face as he placed a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose.

"Don't be sorry. Bad dream?" He asked. He sounded more awake, more alert.


"About what happened?" He guessed.


"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"You want me to hold you and talk?"


Din held her and started talking. She could tell he didn't know what to talk about, so he was telling her about some things he planned to do to the ship to optimize their fuel usage. She didn't really understand all that he was talking about, but the calming tone of his voice was soothing, and before she knew it, her eyes were closing, and she was drifting off into a dreamless sleep, held in the arms of the man she loved.


Darcy awoke the following day, still being cuddled, Din softly snoring in her ear. She was a bit surprised he was still in bed, the lit-up numbers of the clock showing it was a little after nine in the morning. He probably wanted to make sure he was here when she woke up, which made her lip tremble, thinking about how thoughtful he was. He didn't want her to be distressed by waking up in an empty bed.

She felt bad waking him up, but she really needed to pee, and he was holding her tightly against his body, making it impossible to leave his arms.

"Din, babe?" Darcy whispered.

His snoring stopped, his body slightly tensing as he woke up.

"Darcy? What's wrong?" Din asked, his voice rough from sleep.

"I gotta pee."

"Oh," he said, immediately removing his arms from her.

Darcy leaned over, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before she crawled out of bed, the coldness of the ship hitting her bare skin and making her shiver as she went to the refresher.

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