It's where you belong (Here by my side) Part 6

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Andooweel was located in the same sector as Piroket and, according to Din, only about an hour away since they could take a hyperspace lane directly to the planet.

Darcy and Din were sitting in the cockpit, helmets in their laps.

They were both tense from the fighting, each of them sitting stiffly in their seats, Darcy watching Din out of the corner of her eye as he fiddled with the controls and looked at holos of what she assumed was Andooweel.

Usually, they broke the tension with sex.

It was just their habit.

Their thing they did to make each other feel better.

And they both loved it.

They loved getting lost in each other's bodies and decompressing, the passion exploding between the both of them as they came together to unwind.

But they didn't have the time to really do anything with how quickly they'd be arriving at the next planet; they needed to prepare and research for what was to come.

So, they were sitting here in each other's company. Silent for the moment as Din worked, doing his research, Darcy happy to just be a comforting presence.

Din finally turned his head towards her. "Can you pass me the datapad, please?" He asked.

Darcy grabbed it from beside her and passed it over to him.

"Thank you, mesh'la (beautiful)," he said with a smile to her.

"No problem, handsome."

They were quiet again as Din was tapping away at the tablet, a look of concentration on his face.

"I have an idea of where we'll need to go," Din said after a while.

"That's good! Tell me about this place. What are we working with?"

Din was reading intently on the tablet in his hands.

"The place has limited resources and small pockets of industrial districts. It looks like they manufactured weapons, ships, and vehicles like AT-STs for the Empire in the past. They also recruited heavily from there. So, this place is probably teeming with Imperial loyalists. Since the war, they haven't had anyone using their factories, refusing to work with the New Republic, and the place has not been prosperous with their lack of manufacturing."

Darcy thought about it for a second.

"A dude wanting to rebuild the Empire would need the things that this planet builds."


"And you think he's getting recruits from the planet?"

"With the planet's history? Probably."

"It's safe to think this guy is trying to take over this planet. Basically becoming a warlord. With what you've said, they would probably welcome him with open arms."

"I could see that," Din said with a shrug.

Darcy couldn't help looking a tiny bit worried, feeling it rise in her chest a little bit.

"What are we walking into, Din? Is this something just the two of us can handle?"

Din thought about it for a second, a pensive look on his face.

"He's been there for maybe one week? Most likely less than that. It would take a lot longer than that to take over an entire planet, no matter how desperate and loyal they are. I imagine he'll maybe have a small army of Imperial loyalists guarding him."

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