Chapter 16

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"New York is crazy! I haven't been here for a few years." Niall said as we walked downtown by all the shops.

"Yeah, it's all i've ever known really. Except for the one summer we didn't have a nanny and my parents made us go live in North Dakota with family for a few months. It was actually pretty fun." I had stopped in front of a store called Bellas. "Let's go in here, I need a new pair of shoes." This store had every kind of shoe possible, and I always found ones I liked. I'm not the type of girl to wear heels or flats. I like tennishoes. We walked in and I immediately found the pair I wanted.

"Wow, this is a cool store. Maybe I need a new pair too." Niall said looking at a pair of grey supras.

"Bill! Hi, can you check to see if you have my size in this?" I had known all the workers here and they had my size down really well. I gave him the black and light blue low top supras.

"Well hello there Claire. I know we have your size. Just got them in this morning. I knew you'd like them. I'll be right back." He walked into the back room to grab it for me.

"How do you two know each other?" He looked quite confused.

"I know all the people that work here, i'm their best customer." I smiled at him and walked around looking at some of the other shoes they had. Bill walked out and handed me the box and I sat down and tried them on. "I love them! They match my outfit too, and look really good with my chinos. Bill i'm going to get these. I'll just wear them out." I put my old shoes in the box and brought it up to the counter.

"Okay Claire. I'll grab a bag for you. Hope you're having a good time in London. Who do you have with you?" He asked nodding towards Niall.

"London is amazing! This is my boyfriend Niall, he's here to spend Christmas with us." I looked at Niall smiling and grabbed my bag. "Well Bill, have a good Christmas!" We walked out of the store.

"So how come you didn't have to pay for those?" Niall asked as we headed down the sidewalk.

"My credit card is already in there system. I buy enough shoes there for that." I smiled grabbing his hand. As we walked I said hi to numerous people and everytime, Niall asked me how I knew them. Some of them I hadn't known and were just people had known who I was. "Let's get back home and see if Austin is there. We can make lunch when we get back too."

We got into the apartment and it was still super quiet. Either Austin wasn't home or wasn't up yet. "Didn't it freak you out living here? It's so, so quiet and, I don't know. It's just weird being so quiet." Niall sat on the couch in the living room that I knew wasn't very comfortable and was mostly there for decoration.

"I guess I was used to it. I was with Austin most of the time so it wasn't so bad. I wonder where he is." Niall and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. We made lunch and then went up to my room to lay down for a little bit.

Niall was almost asleep so I decided to grab my mac book to check twitter and facebook. I logged into twitter and checked my mentions seeing nothing interesting so I went back to my homepage and tweeted 'Back in NY for a week, who wants to hang out?! xxx'

I look at my feed for a little bit before logging off and logging into facebook. Looks like word had gotten around on facebook that I was back home. Everyone was commenting on my wall and messaging me asking when they get to see me and how long was I going to be back for. The only two people I cared to get back to were Kira and Chelsey so I made a knew status.'Kira and Chelsey, you both need to come over! I have a surprise for you both!'

The surprise was Niall. They were both huge fans of One Direction really wanted to meet the boys. For now they would only get to meet Niall though. I shut my computer and heard a knock at the door. "Yeah?" I wasn't sure who it might be. It opened slightly and my mom's head surprisingly popped inside the room. I looked over at Niall who was fast asleep by now and I got up.

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