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August 31st, 1997


I broke down and confessed the truth to my father about the marriage. He was furious at first but accepted it. He said there was too little time in the world to stress about unimportant things, and that as long as I was happy, he was.

My mother played a big part in persuading him to show a calmer side to Laurel. He never hated her. He had just made a deal with the wrong friend.

Pansy and I were never going to work out, he even knew this, but she was the best candidate for me at the time. Up until last year, I had no idea Laurel existed.

And who's to say if we did grow up together that we would end up together? Just because our parents are best friends doesn't mean anything.

I'm forever thankful that she was raised overseas. I love my little American girl, and I always will.

My father even gave her a "welcome to the family" hug this morning. It was weird to see him show such kindness to a girl he nearly forbid me to see at one point, but I was just happy he was accepting of our unholy union.

With that being said, no one else knows about our relationship. Well, aside from her Gryffindor friends. She plans to tell Theo when we see him tonight before the Dark Lord visits.

He wants to leave instructions with Theo, Oliver, and myself for when we return to school.

I am scared for Laurel and her safety though. We have practiced her occlumency during the last couple of days, for she has devised a plan to betray him.

She told me what Potter had told her about these Horcrux things, and I'll be honest when I told her she was insane. Why would anyone split their soul once, let alone seven times?

But then it made sense. He wasn't exactly the sanest person to walk the earth. Who intentionally tries to kill a baby to gain immortality and superiority?

I agreed to help her for obvious reasons, but only if we continued our lessons. I would later reward her with many orgasms. Though, those were also to make up for the lost time.

My family and I reached the dining room and claimed a seat together. One by one, other death eaters filed in and too sat at the table.

Laurel casually strode in wearing a long black dress and matching black jacket over it. Her hair was styled similarly to the way my mother styled hers and sat across from me. Theo and her father are on each side of her.

I looked at her hands and frowned when I didn't see the ring on her finger. She noticed my eyes glance from her hands to her face.

She raised her hand and pointed to her neck which had a silver chain around it. She gently tugged on the chain which revealed the ring before quickly tucked it back underneath her dress, thus restoring my smile.

The Dark Lord apparated into the room and took a seat at the head of the table. He scanned every individual that bothered to show up until they landed on Laurel.

My heart began to thump erratically the more he lingered on her. He took a breath and began to play with his wand. If he kills her, I will not hesitate to beg for death. I cannot live in a world without her.

"Laurel," he said calmly. "It's good to see you." Laurel straightened her posture and nodded. "How is the boy? Has he fallen for you as I requested?"

"Yes, my Lord. He even tried to convince me to marry him. He really thinks he stands a chance against you." She laughed. "But I must warn you, my Lord..." there was a lull in her voice. "He...he knows your secret. He's told me everything, but trust me when I say that he has no idea what he's doing."

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