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XIII: Visitation

Mateo was currently driving me to pick up Art and see Dinah, I missed them so much and Dinah was beginning to become worried

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Mateo was currently driving me to pick up Art and see Dinah, I missed them so much and Dinah was beginning to become worried. We never went more than a week without seeing each other and we usually talked every day.

" Don't make this situation difficult Eliana, don't be selfish. Dinah has a child to take care of they can't be involved." He has been lecturing me and going over what I should and shouldn't say once I see her for mines and her safety.

"I know, I promise I won't." I say reassuringly. I got myself into this situation and it wouldn't be fair for her if I made her life complicated too.

We were pulling up to her house and then we would go to mines soon after to grab a few things. Immediately after Mateo parks, I hop out of the car and he trails behind at a distance as I jog to the door. Dinah opens up before I could knock squealing at the sight of me.

"El I missed you so much!" She pulls me in for a tight hug and jumps up and down, she was shorter than me but she had a lot of strength.

"I missed you more. Where is my nephew?" Dinah moves to give me and Mateo room to come inside.

"He is in the back. Hi, Mateo." Mateo nods at Dinah and said hello as he walked inside. Her home was clean as always with the exception of a few toys lying here and there. Suddenly there was a squeal and my eyes lingered towards the small boy racing towards me in his paw patrol pj's.

"Aunt El!" I scooped Myles up quickly and gave him the biggest hug.

"Oh you are heavy, you have gotten so big." I pretend to struggle with his weight and he giggles at my facial expressions. "I know, I grew an inch too." He says and I give him a high five before placing him down.

"Who is this?" He asks looking towards Mateo warily, I forget how intimidating he looks to everyone else. "This is my friend Mateo, don't worry he is nice." I suggest, and Mateo scoffs and I nudge him to go along with it.

"Hello, what is your name?" he asks in an attempt to please me. "Myles. Are you a secret agent or something?" I snicker at Myles scrunching up his nose as he asks and looking thoroughly at Mateo's suit.

"Alright, it's nap time." Dinah snaps and Myles groans.

"Give El a kiss and go lay down." Dinah orders and he does as she says coming to place a sweet kiss on my cheek and giving me a hug. "Nice meeting you, Mateo." he grumbles and then stalks off to his room.

"That boy just says anything that comes to mind." Dinah lets out a nervous laugh before leading us to the dining room. We talked for about an hour about my "trip" and me making up a story about going to school in person and Mateo living closer. I could tell my time was running thin since Mateo began to get phone calls and took a look at his watch for the second time in 10 minutes.

I promised her I would visit, she told me she checked on Art every day and made sure her boyfriend took her out and fed her whenever she couldn't. She was currently at the dog park, I was in no rush for her to come with me because she loved Myles.

"We will just be in and out okay. No need to grab everything, if you need anything that is too big then I will get someone to pick it up in the morning." He stated sternly and I nodded in agreement.

When our 5-minute drive around the corner to my place ended we were in front of my building. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and went to open the door but Mateo quickly locked it making me frown.

"Wait. Stay in the car and don't move El." He says and I swallow before nodding worriedly.

Mateo exited the car swiftly and locked the doors behind him and it wasn't until then I noticed my blinds were torn a bit. I watched closely as he stared at the door a few seconds before simply pushing it open.

Why is it open?

He quickly retrieved his gun from his waistband and entered without hesitation. After about 10 slow minutes he came back out red in the face and yelling at someone on the phone.

His large hand held a small duffel I was sure was full of my things, he stood outside until he angrily hung up. When he got inside he tossed the bag in the backseat and slammed the door shut causing me to flinch.

"The entire place is ransacked, I will get someone to pick up everything salvageable. I will find that bastard and make sure he gets exactly what he's asking for." Mateo was seething and I could feel the anger radiating from him, if I wasn't so shaken up I would say it was attractive.

But what will Mateo do to Jonas?


Guy's I got Covid a week after my first Pfizer shot.

But what questions do you guys have for me?

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