Chapter 21

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        After been taken away by those gangsters, Joey regretted her actions. She started to struggle and begged them to let her be with Snake again, but it was useless.
        "Why did you capture us anyway?" Joey asked with tears in her eyes.
        "You think we wanted to do this? Prascale instructed us to do so." The gangster said with a tone indicating that he's pissed off..
        "Who is Prascale? I want to kill her!" Joey suddenly got angry.
        "Boss' girlfriend, you don't know?", The gangster who talked to them earlier said, "That time when your other friend was capture, Prascale instructed that too."
        "Hate you all!!" Joey screamed again.
        "Don't hate us. We're innocent." The other gangster defended himself.
        "I don't care! I hate every single one of you!!"
        "What the..." the first gangster grinned his teeth.

        Then a rather familiar female voice appeared, "What happen? Why is it so noisy? So irritating!"
        "Prascale?" the gangster saw her and felt weird because she was supposed to be enjoying herself with the boss right now, "The girl you told us to capture is making so much noise, it's killing me and the others!"
        "Actually you don't need to capture her and her boyfriend," She walked over and covered her ears with both of her hands.
        "Why didn't you say so?" the gangster said in irritation.
        "I only told you guys to capture Squirrel and Rabbit in the first place, okay?!" Prascale scolded him.
        "How would I know they'll be so cunning and hard to catch."
        "A bunch of idiots!" Prascale murmured under her breath.

        Joey heard this whole conversation and couldn't help herself from laughing "Hahahahaha, idiots!"
        Hearing her laugh, the gangster's temper came again, "Shut up, you crazy woman!" He shouted at her and Joey started to cry again. The gangster has had enough of Joey's drama and he punched the door to her room to make her stop whining, "Okay, okay, fine, you can talk, but please stop crying! Arrggghh!!!" He face palm himself and groaned.
        "I want my Snake!" Joey shouted from inside the room.
        "Argg! Don't ever capture anyone like her in the future, I need my peace!" Prascale accused the gangster for capturing Joey in mistake. "Bring her to the basement now, that would be far enough to mute her voice from our real living space.


        Joey was brought down to a room in the basement and she was all alone now. The only thing accompanying her is the ugly light bulb hanging in the middle of the room. Being quiet and lonely in the room, she was glad to hear voices outside the door, although it was just the gangsters voice and that familiar female voice she heard earlier.
        "Prascale" A voice called.
        "Aren't you out with the boss? Why are you back so early?"
        "Don't even mention that!!!!! This is the worst day ever, Squirrel was together with him!"
        "Huh?" the voice sounded confused. "Squirrel as in the Squirrel you wanted us to capture?"
       "Danny was treating her almost as good as me, I can't take it!!!!" Prascale continue complaining about Danny's behaviour towards Squirrel, ignoring the gangster's question. Suddenly she turned to face the group of gangster,  "It's all you people's fault! Why are you so stupid??!! Can't even catch two girls!"

        Joey heard her grumbling and banged her fist against the basement door to gained their attention..
        "Huh? Squirrel with your boss? How could-"
        Prascale got even more angry when Joey started to make noise again and opened the door to scold her.   "It's all your fault! If it's not because of you she wouldn't be with the boss at all!"
        Joey was shocked when she saw Prascale, it's the mean girl back in college! No wonder her voice and name sounded so familiar to her, "YOU!!! You again!!" An anger built up in her all in a sudden, "You caught me and now you're blaming me?!"
        "To be exact, It's Snake's fault!" Prascale ignored Joey's acknowledgement of her.
        "HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, WHY ARE YOU BLAMING HIM?!" Joey shouted at her in rage.
        "Stop shouting at me, you crazy woman! He scolded me when I loved him then!"
        "WHAT?! CRAZY WOMAN? It's your fault! If you didn't scold Squirrel and Rabbit then Snake wouldn't had scolded you at all! And when did you even loved him? Do you even know what is love?!"
        Couldn't stand the noise anymore, one of the gangsters shouted to them both "KEEP QUIET! YOU TWO CRAZY WOMEN!" But he immediately realized what he did was wrong because no matter how annoying Prascale was, she is still their formal boss' sister and their current boss' girlfriend.
        "YOU SHUT UP!" Joey and Prascale shouted at him in unison and he gave up trying to stop them from quarrelling and got back to playing poker with his friends.
        Facing back to Prascale, Joey shouted to her again, "Oi! Why do you keep saying it's my friend's fault?"
        "They blocked my way that time."
        "Are you stupid? Don't you know how to say 'excuse me' or just walk around them?"
        "My friend said there's no need to do that."
        "Wow, you are stupid, to think you would follow your friend's idiotic instruction." Joey smirked.
        Prascale was so mad that she was speechless and slammed the door shut while cursing in the air and walked away from the basement to the grand part of the bungalow and took a bubble bath to sooth her anger down.

        After taking a tranquility bath, Prascale decided to look for Danny and get him away from Squirrel, since she is the real girlfriend of Danny. She called Danny but he didn't pick up, so she started to search his social websites to find any clue of his whereabouts. After a few minutes, she found his location at a grand hotel not far from their bungalow. You think I can't find you? Think again. Prascale smirked and headed out with her chauffeur.

        At the grand hotel, Danny and Squirrel were sitting on a bench at the first floor of the hotel where they could observe the main entrance whenever anyone came through.
        "You think she found your location here?" Squirrel asked skeptically while eyeing the different people coming in and out of the entrance.
        "Of course, she wouldn't let you spend the whole day with me, she will search all my social websites and locate me. See? she even called," Danny shook his phone in front of Squirrel's face.
        "But we've been waiting here since two hours ago, I'm bored." She started to play with the edge of her dress with her fingers.
        "Hey, hanging out with me isn't bored--" Danny stopped in mid sentence when he saw Prascale walking in through the main entrance, "See? She came." He said in pride, "Told you."
        "Fine, you win" Squirrel rolled her eyes and saw Prascale looking around the hotel. She faked a laugh loud enough to catch the attention of Prascale and signalled Danny that the plan is on. Seeing Prascale turned towards their direction, Danny held Squirrel close to himself and leaned in to her ear and whispered sweet nothings to her. Although she knew this was just all part of the plan, she still smiled sincerely when his words entered her ears. When he saw Prascale walking towards the staircase from the corner of his eyes, he held on to Squirrel's hand and started to lead her towards the huge balcony on the current floor. 

        Standing at the huge balcony under the starry night sky, Squirrel felt really romantic even though she knew clearly that this was all just an act. She smile while holding Danny's gaze and laid her hand on his chest. She could feel his heart beating and realized that her own heart was picking up pace and synchronize with his. She could see Prascale standing at the spot where they waited for her arrival when Danny pulled her closer into his embrace and kissed her on the lips. She started to panic because that was her first kiss, but in order for the plan to work, she played along and held his face with both of her hands, ignoring the hotness she felt on her face. She could feel Prascale's angry stare on her coming closer as she walked towards them, but she was just starting to enjoy the 'fake kiss' that she dreaded this would have to end soon when Prascale reached their side.

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