Chapter 10

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"If I didn't see her today, you all will DIE!" I frowned when I heard this through the wall, the her must be Rabbit, and why did the girl wanted to catch Rabbit? Does she know Rabbit? Who is she anyway? Is she the boss's girlfriend or wife? Since she spoke with authority, I assume she's the lady boss. But something about her seem familiar.
Her voice! The high pitch sound seems familiar, too familiar. After a minute of analysis in my brain, I figured out what's bugging me, "Oh, it's the girl!" I gritted my teeth and started to pace the room back and forth. I gave it a thought and shook my head, maybe I got it wrong, after all it's just her voice I heard, surely it's not really her, it can't be. The girl that came into my mind is the mean girl in college a few years ago that had always hated us and tried to make our life miserable. Although I tried to reason myself that the voice I heard isn't the mean girl, a weird thought still appeared in my mind: What if the girl caught Snake and forced him to become her husband? I mean, it makes sense. She had always given him a more-than-fifty-seconds lovingly stare whenever he's around. And maybe she wanted to catch Rabbit and I as some kind of revenge on our popularity in the past that she had always envied and hated for. I never thought that we are famous among the students. Sure, we have a bunch of good friends, but we're just ordinary girls compare to the popular girls that goes to a party every week. Anyway, she always made this an excuse to insult us though I don't get why, since we're not the real popular girls like what I said earlier. However, my first hypothesis was being overthrown when I heard Snake's growling vaguely. I got worried about Snake's situation now. I wonder what if Joey heard it. At least now I know that Snake wasn't captured to be force into a marriage, but as to Rabbit and I...I think that theory still stands.

A gangster opened the door roughly and walked to me, "Hey, ask your friend to save you as fast as she can,"
"Why can't you just do it?"
"Shut up and just do it!"
"How am I going to do it if I am to be shutting up?"
"Are you trying to be smart?"
"Good, now call her and do as I say!" The crook yelled at me while handing me my phone.
I took the phone and started to dial Rabbit's number into it. "Isn't it more convenient if you made the call?"
The crook took out a penknife and pointed at me, "Are you going to call her or what?"
I got scare that he will slash me with it or something, so I quickly showed him that I'm pressing the dial button.
"Put it on loud speaker and remember no games," He warned me and I nodded.
The number kept dialing until it got to voice-mail so I redialed it. While waiting for Rabbit to pick up this time, I tried to lighten up the mood a bit. "Feeling shy?" I asked him.
He stared at me with anger in his eyes and I immediately shut my mouth up.

"Hey, save me now, please!"
"What? Where are you?!"
I looked at the man and waited for his answer, but he snatched the phone away from me instead, "Meet me at Buttes-Chaumont at four later, our boss wants to talk to you personally and get the information. I"ll call you again when I see you."
"Pardon me?"
"Buttes-Chaumont, it's a park, be there at four with the information."
"Sorry, where is it?"
"Try asking Google Map,"
"Shut up and just do as I said or else I'll be having squirrel meat for my dinner." he let out a mocking laugh and lifted his finger to end the call. But just before he could do that, I screamed into the phone to warn Rabbit, "No! They gonna catch you!" My mind was racing with a thousand thoughts of what-ifs if she was captured by them too. She can't come! Who'll rescue us if both of us were caught? "Report to the police, fast, Snake's suffering now!" I yelled at the top of my lungs while the crook ordered his friends that are coming into the room to make me quiet, but I didn't care, all I was thinking about were to warn Rabbit and prevent her from falling into their trap.

"Stop shouting you idiot!" his friend shouted at me while covering my mouth with his filthy hand that smells like dirt, yuck!

The crook turned his focus back to the phone where Rabbit was throwing out a bunch of panic questions.
"You heard her, Snake's suffering now, so you should come."
"What the hell did you do to them?! Where is Squirrel?!"
"Aww, what a sweet friend you are, worrying about your friend, anyway she's fine for now"
"Don't you dare hurt her!!"
"I won't, but if you didn't show up at the park with the information, I will."
"You jerk!"
"Hey! Watch your mouth idiot!"
"Did you hurt Joey and Snake?"
"No one here have hurt Joey yet, but as for Snake...I don't know, but we did have fun." he laughed wickedly.
"Oh ya, something important that I almost forgot to remind you, do not call the police or let anyone know about this, or Squirrel here will not see tomorrow's sunrise" I squealed as I heard that remark.
"Why? You scared?"
"Yes, I'm scared. But you should be more terrified than me, because your friends' life depends on your decision. If you call the police, they'll die, if you keep our little promise, they might live,"
"Might." I heard Rabbit repeated and shuddered.
"Okay, enough chit-chat, I'll see how ugly you are in person soon,"
"My boss' girlfriend said you and your friend here are the most ugly people in the world," he turned to look at me for a moment, "but I got to admit, she's wrong, your friend here is really pretty, so the only person left that I haven't met is you. I wonder if she's right about you being ugly though," he laughed like a maniac and ended the call.

After he hung up the phone, he walked over to me and grin. I shuddered as a scary thought flashed through my mind but I ignored it.
"Why did your boss wanted to meet her in person? And why at a park? I mean, if you want capture her, why not just ask Rabbit to deliver the information to us over here?" I asked the man with a serious face.
"Because he has his reasons"
"But why? Why trouble him to go out in public if you want to keep this a secret?"
"Because she cannot know our location, so we have to capture her in a public place when nobody's looking and bring her here."
"When nobody's looking?" I chuckled, "It's a public park for goodness sake."
"We will find a way, we're not idiots like both of you," he paused, "At least that's what our lady boss said,"
I rolled my eyes when I heard that comment, "By the way, who is she?"
'Why do you care?"
"Because I'm curious and I might be dying?"
He smirked and shook his head, "You'll see"
"So what information is that do you want actually?"
"Something about something,"
I made a confused look. "What?"
"I can't tell you too much about it,"
"Why? You're not letting me go anyway,"
"I'm bringing you along"
"For what?"
"For our safety,"
"You asked too many questions , now shut up!" The man then closed the door and left.

After making sure I was alone in the room, I took out a penknife from my back pocket and smiled. I got it when I was struggling against the man's grab around me while covering my mouth. It probably looked like I was randomly hitting his thigh to escape from his grasp but actually I was reaching for this very penknife in his pocket. I saw him chucking a penknife while entering the room, that's why I know to steal it, and lucky me, I got it without anyone noticing and quickly hid it in my back pocket. I guarantee it be useful anytime soon, I don't know when it'll be useful but I just know. I just hope I'm strong enough to use it when danger approaches.

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