Moving On

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Matthew watched respectively as his fallen comrades were lowered into graves inside black coffins. A month has passed since the attack on Calgary. With most of the demon problem destroyed there by Matthew's bomb, human life was swiftly returning to normal. Matthew had been very busy since the mission. He had been in and out of the hospital, visiting funerals and families of the fallen military soldiers, as well as helping clean up the last of those demons that were still alive. His squadron were going to be recognized tomorrow for reclaiming Calgary for humanity. Matthew felt tears forming in his eyes and start to flow down his face.
I weakly jogged up behind Matthew. He didn't seem to notice me there. I stopped jogging and walked up to him. He tensed up as I grabbed his hand, then turned to look at me. "Lea? I thought you weren't getting out of the hospital for a few more weeks," Matthew said, surprised that I was there. I smiled up at him, staring into his blue eyes. "The doctors said I could come to the funerals and the ceremony tomorrow, since Ryan was being buried today and he thinks I should be there tomorrow," I explained quietly. Matthew forced a smile down at me. He wrapped his arms around me gently then kissed my forehead. We stood there, arms around each other for a moment. I began thinking back to what happened before the hospital, back after the explosion during the attack on Calgary.
Just as my heart stopped, we reached Rosa. Everyone in our squad was in a panic. Matthew almost threw me to the ground when he went to put me down. He began giving me CPR. Rosa had her hand on my neck and was chanting quickly to herself. Luna went to the other side of my neck and bit it, trying to get the demon poison out of my blood. When Jacob was about to tell the to stop trying, Matthew managed to start my heart again. Luna pulled away from my neck and puked up a large amount of demon poison mixed with a small amount of blood. Rosa lifted her hands from my neck and swiftly passed out. She had over used her powers and had exhausted herself. Matthew got off of me and held me close. I hadn't woken up, but my heart was beating and I was breathing. Skyler picked up his sister, Tyler picked up Luna, and Matthew picked me up again. No longer having much of a threat, Jacob decided it was time for us to get out of there. So the few that were able to run, ran, and those unable to were carried.
Matthew shook me slightly, waking me from my daze. "You alright?" he asked as I looked up at him, confused. I nodded hesitantly. "Come on, the funerals are over. The squad was going to meet up for lunch at a diner not far from here. They'll be happy to see you again," Matthew suggested. I held his hand as we began to walk away. As we walked, I began thinking. "Matthew, I need to tell you something," I whispered. Matthew looked at me slowly. "What's wrong?" he asked, concern forming in his voice. I looked up at him with my big blue eyes. "The doctors told me this morning, I'm a month pregnant," I explained hesitantly. Matthew's eyes widened as he stared at me. "Really?" he questioned. I nodded slowly. Instantly, Matthew hugged his arms around me. 'I'll do anything for you and your baby, I love you Lea!" he announced happily. I smiled at him, the familiar smile from when we first met. We swiftly made our way to the diner.
As we arrived at the diner, I realized it was nearly completely empty. The only place that wasn't empty was a single large table. Sat around the table was Tyler, Jacob, Rosa, Skyler, Fang, and Luna. Matthew came in before me so I hid behind him as we walked. "Matthew! You're here! Welcome!" Tyler announced. Matthew waved to everyone. "No luck getting Lea here huh?" Fang questioned, frowning slightly. With that, I stepped out from behind Matthew. "LEA YOU'RE OKAY!" Luna announced excitedly as she got up and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back. After a few minutes of greetings, we all sat around the table talking, and waited for our food to come. Tyler glanced at Jacob and winked. Jacob slid something into Matthew's hands. Rosa and Luna glanced over at me, grinning. I tensed up slightly. What was going on? "Lea, ever since we met, you've been the best thing to happen in my life, I love you with all my heart. I want to be with you now, and forever, will you marry me?" Matthew asked. I clasped my hand over my mouth and nodded. "YES!" I replied as I hugged my arms around Matthew's neck. Everything was falling into place. I sat there and thought for a moment. The only thing that could make this better is if Caleb was still here. Though I guess that can't happen, but I guess wishing for the past back is part of moving on.

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