Alone In The Dark

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After who knows how long, my wings gave out. I managed to reach a tree branch and sit on it. My breaths were heavy, similar to if I had been sprinting this whole way. This was it. The edge of the forests that surrounded Kiagra Woodlands. I looked around at a flat strip of black and white and yellow ground. A weird looking red and silver thing sped down the black strip and disappeared into the distance, kicking up a strange smell behind it. It looked almost like a metal box on wheels. I coughed and curled up my wings, hiding them under my clothes. The humans didn't need to know I was different. I climbed down from the tree and looked at the black strip. It reminded me of the walking paths back at home. There was a sign next to the black strip. It read "in five meters driving southeast, turn off and arrive in the safe and homey little town of Barrier!" This has to be the town Daemon was talking about. I began to walk along the edge of the black strip heading towards Barrier, hoping I wouldn't run into one of those metal boxes on wheels.
Finally, I reached Barrier. I had no idea where to go. As I walked around, the dark of night consumed the sky. I sat outside of this thing called a Gas Station and thought to myself. A cold breeze blew past and a shudder ran down my spine. I was freezing, alone, and lost. Suddenly a man appeared from the side of the building and walked towards me. "Hey beautiful, what's a young lady like yourself doing out here?" he asked, drunkenly. I looked up at him, his clothes were torn, dirty and old. He looked like the people who lost their families and homes back in Kiagra Woodlands. This man looked homeless. "My family kicked me out, I've been walking for hours, I have no where to go," I explained to the man. He looked at me with a cheeky smile and gestured for me to stand up. I don't know why but he looked trustable, I stood up slowly and smiled at the man. He put his hand on my shoulder. "I can show you around and we can have some fun kiddo," he said, his voice sounding different. I felt myself becoming nervous. Something was wrong.
Suddenly, the man pushed me against the wall and began kissing me. I tried to push him off me and struggled from his grasp. His hands moved as he began to touch my body. I screamed, hot tears once again forming on my cold cheeks. "STOP IT! PLEASE!" I pleaded as the man began to pull down my skirt. He pushed me down to the ground and sat on top of me. As much as I tried to pull free, the man was persistent, and kept pulling off my clothes. I was terrified and weak against him. The cold air hitting my bare skin made my body freeze up. "Someone help me, please!" I cried out, hoping someone would save me. The man placed his hand over my mouth. "Relax, you'll enjoy this," he whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine.
Out of nowhere, a metal box on wheels pulled up, bright lights shined from it, pointing at us. A loud noise came from the box. The man jumped up from my body and began running. A boy around my age came out of the car and jogged to my side. "Are you okay? Hope I wasn't too late," he asked, kneeling down to me. I sat up, shaking wildly and nodded at the boy. I looked down at my body. Luckily the man hadn't gotten to my shirt and exposed my wings. My skirt and underwear were off though. The boy realized this and handed me my clothes from the ground them looked away politely. I quickly slipped my clothes back on, I was still shaking like a leaf. "Thank you," I whispered, tapping the boy on the shoulder. "No problem. Paul has always been horny, never thought he'd try someone so young though," the boy replied, turning around to face me. I looked at him, studying him. His eyes were a deep blue, his hair was blonde, almost like the colour of the sun, but not as bright. He was muscular and dressed in jeans, and a tee-shirt that said "music is my life" on the front. He was actually quite good looking.
"What's your name?" the boy asked, walking over to his car. I looked at him, he seemed nice enough, and way better than that Paul guy. "I'm Lea," I said quietly. The boy nodded. "Pretty name, my name's Matthew, Matt for short though. Anyways, Lea, do you need a ride home?" he asked. I shook my head hesitantly. "I can't go home, my family kicked me out, they told me to never come back, said I was a demon," I explained sadly. Matthew looked at me, a caring and concerned look in his eyes. "Well, do you need a place to crash? My brother and I live in a three bedroom house so we can help you until you get on your feet," he offered. My heart lifted, and I looked up at Matthew. "Really?" I questioned, afraid that he was just kidding. Matthew smiled at me and nodded. "Here, go sit in my car, I need to just get something from here quick. I'll be right back," he said, gesturing to the metal box. I nodded and walked to the metal box that I assume must be the thing he called the car. Matthew smiled again then went into the place labeled shop.
I opened the car door and found two leathery seats, one with a black wheel in front of it, the other without. I sat down on the cold grey leather seat, then closed the door behind me. This was strange, Daemon told me about cars before, but he never told me the name. He said that they drive on paths called roads. That's probably what the black strips are. I looked up out of the window and glanced at the moon. Around now, the werewolves would be howling music, the fay would be dancing, angels would be singing, demons would be providing everyone with dinner and a drink, while warlocks would use magic to make the whole thing more magical. It's barely been two hours and I'm already home sick. I rested my head against the glass window of the car and sighed.
Matthew walked up to the back of the car and opened the storage compartment in the back, then he put a full, white bag inside, and closed the compartment. I watched him curiously as he walked back up to the front of the car, then he opened the door and got into the seat with the wheel in front of it. "Hey, you seemed I got you some hot chocolate," he said, handing my a steaming foam cup. I looked at him gratefully. "You don't need to get me anything, really, and I've never had hot chocolate before," I replied in a whisper. He looked surprise, then slipped the cup into my hand. "Just try it, how can you never have had hot chocolate before?" Matthew asked. I shrugged and frowned, thinking of a story to make up. "My family is poor, we never had enough money, the fact we weren't homeless was a miricale," I explained, even though it was fake. Matthew looked taken back, but then picked up a bottle with a brownish black liquid in it then took a sip. "Gotta love cola," he chuckled, putting the bottle back down. I smiled, then looked at the hot chocolate. It was warm and steamy, it was a dark brown with a lighter brown foam on top. I took a sip hesitantly. It was amazing. The liquid was warm and sweet, and tasted so rich and creamy. It was incredible. "This is amazing, thank you," I said gratefully to Matthew, before taking another sip. Matthew laughed.
"Anyways, put on your seat belt and I'll drive us to my home," he ordered, taking a grey strap with a metal buckle an clipping it into a black cube of plastic with a slit just big enough for the buckle until it clicked. I copied him and he put the key into the ignition. The car rumbled and music started playing. I hummed along to it quietly as Matthew revved the car then started to pull out of the gas station. "Like this song?" He asked. I looked at him and nodded, still sipping now and then on my hot chocolate. "That's my band, we're called Hell Raisers. I play the guitar, this song is called Devil Woman's Chant," he explained proudly. I looked up at Matthew. "Does the song have a meaning?" I questioned. He nodded and smiled. "One of the guys in the band, Jacob the lead singer, his ex-girlfriend makes promises and breaks them, so Jacob wrote a song about it," Matthew replied. I looked out the window and thought for a moment. I don't know why, but even though this world is a whole new place to me, I feel like I'm supposed to be here, like this is home. Though things started rough, I think Matthew will help me get by. Maybe I found someone I can really trust.without knowing it, I drifted off, dreaming about Matthew playing guitar while sitting on the hood of his car and watching me.

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