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Blood soaked the streets, the sun was down and the moon was shining a deep crimson colour. "Hello?" I called out worriedly. All around me was empty until Matthew appeared. He was covered in cuts and stabs. "L...L....Lea," he gasped weakly. I ran towards him, but before I could reach him, Daemon jumped on his back and stabbed Matthew in the back of the neck. Daemon laughed as he watched me. I sank to my knees, crying. "Daemon...why would you kill him?" I asked, shaking, my hands slowly clenching into fists. Daemon chuckled and walked towards me. "Hell is coming, we will take revenge, and you will be my fallen angel!" he hissed cruelly in my ear. With that he brought the knife down and stabbed me in my chest.
I screamed as my eyes flew open. I was drenched in a cold sweat and hot tears were running down my already warm cheeks. My whole body was shaking. The room was pitch black. I slowly curled my self up into a ball. Suddenly, Matthew ran in. "Lea, are you okay?" he asked, concern in his blue eyes. I nodded, but he could see my tears. "What happened?" he questioned, sitting down on the edge of my bed. I looked up at him, slowly, and he could see the fear in my eyes. Matthew picked me up slowly and sat me in his lap. He stroked my hair gently while his other arm was hugged around me. I laid my head against his shoulder. "I had a nightmare," I whispered, crying. Matthew held me tighter. "Why don't you tell me about it?" he suggested. With that, I began to explain.
"I've had it before, but it was always a shadow, then you took the shadow's place," I said shakily. Matthew pulled me closer, then laid down so that I was laying on top of him. "Do you want me to sleep in here with you?" he asked sweetly. I nodded hesitantly. Matthew quickly slid off his jeans so that he was in his boxers and a shirt. "Just sleep then, I'm here for you," he whispered, kissing my forehead. I smiled and leaned my head against his chest. Through his shirt, I could feel the warmth of his body and hear the steady beating of his heart, and felt every rise and fall of his chest with every breath. His hand gently stroked my hair, and I close my eyes. "Sleep well, my love," Matthew muttered quietly, closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep. With that, I let myself relax, and fell asleep against Matthew's chest.
Matthew smiled at me. "Hey Lea, I want you to meet someone," he called. I walked over to him slowly. A shadowy figure in a white lab coat appeared. "Kill her, she's different, we need to dissect her," the shadowy figure ordered. I jumped back. "Matthew?" I questioned. Suddenly Tyler, Jacob, Ryan and Caleb ran in. Matthew aimed a gun at my chest. I backed up. "Matthew, please, no, I love you," I pleaded. The band and Caleb rushed Matthew, but his reflexes were unbeatable, and he shot them all down. "MATTHEW NO!" I screamed, trying to hold back tears. With that, Matthew took aim to my chest again and pulled the trigger.
I woke up without screaming this time. I was laying on top of Matthew. I buried my face into his chest and felt tears forming in my eyes. "Why, why do I get these nightmares?" I whispered to myself, as I closed my eyes and just laid there with Matthew. He must have been partly awake because Matthew's arms tightened around me. I smiled and relaxed slightly. Matthew was holding me through what I found destroying. He wasn't killing me or being killed by my best friend. Everything is fine, we're safe, we're happy.

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