This Means War

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I woke up in a dark room with a dull light over a dark wooden table. My hands were cuffed to the chair I was sitting on. "He...hello?" I called out, trying to get up from the chair. My efforts failed and I decided to just sit there. After what felt like hours, a door opened on the wall furthest from me. A man dressed in a green camouflage uniform with black boots walked in. I remembered this uniform from a movie Matthew and I watched together, this man was military. "Lea, right?" he asked curiously. I nodded hesitantly. "Where are my friends? What did you do to them?" I demanded, remembering that they were pushed into cop cars. The man walked around to behind me and pulled on the cuffs, to remind me I am defenceless. "They are safe, training with the army," he explained. I watched him cautiously, studying him.
"Listen Lea, you and your little group of friends are the only not human creatures left. Those sub-demons as Rosa called them have taken over every warlock, fay, werewolf, vampire, and angel left. Rosa, Fang, Skyler, Luna, and yourself are the last left. That isn't a problem for us assuming that we didn't know your kinds existed until recently. The problem here is that those sub-demons are killing humans faster and faster," the man explained as he tossed a folder in front of me then undid the cuffs. I quickly picked up the folder and looked at the contents. In the folder was pictures of people, dead people. The last picture was of Caleb. Tears formed in my eyes and my fists clenched. "As of Monday, there was over seven billion people, as of today, there is less than one billion left. In the space of two weeks, six billion people have been killed. Those survivors have been shipped to America to live in DPCs or Demon Proof Camps. Any Men and women strong enough are being trained to fight these creatures. This has turned into war. We need you to cooperate," the man said, studying me as he did.
"Sergeant J. Thomas" I read aloud from the man's name tag. He nodded and looked at me. "That's my name, James Xavier Thomas," he whispered. I studied him then stood up. "I'll do anything you need me to, on one condition, let me see Matthew," I demanded. James reached for a phone like thing in his pocket. "Send in Private Kilanear, over," he demanded into the microphone on the machine. James pointed for me to sit down again then leaned against the wall. After a few minutes, the door flew open, and Matthew walked in. He saw me and smiled. I jumped up then ran over to him. He hugged his arms around me and I hugged him tight. "Matthew," I whispered as I kissed him. He looked at me with his blue eyes, but there was something different about them. They were dull, longing, must be from the death of Caleb. There was a scar over Matthew's left eye that went down his face. The memory of Daemon made my body tense. Matthew stroked my hair gently. "It's okay, you're okay, we're safe, we're here, we're both safe," he sung softly in a hushed voice. I let myself relax as Matthew kissed my forehead.
Matthew and James went to talk in the hallway, leaving me alone to sit in a chair in this dull room. After a while, Matthew came back in. "Lea, we need to talk," he said as he sat in the chair across from me. I looked at him slowly. "I'm in the 'Special Ops' squadren. What that means is that a few human bloods are working together with non-human bloods to kill demons. In the squad, is me, Tyler, Jacob, Rosa, Fang, Skyler and Luna. Now you can join the squad, or you can become a science experiment," Matthew offered, watching me. I barely took a second to choose. "I'll join you," I replied. Matthew grinned happily. "Good, Jacob is our squad leader," he explained as he stood up. He reached for my hand and pulled me up. "Lets go get you suited up and taken to training," Matthew ordered as he led me to the door.

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