Mission Begins

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I sat in the truck and looked out the window and the cloudy sky. Jacob was driving us swiftly towards Alberta. Rosa and Fang were sat in the back of the truck, making out as quietly as possible. Skyler was sat up front next to Jacob, looking at the land around us with amazement. Tyler and Luna were sitting across from Matthew and I, talking quietly. Matthew hugged his arm around me and kissed my cheek. I jumped slightly then kissed his chin. "So this is it, huh? Finally taking out everything that ruined a normal life?" Tyler asked. I nodded hesitantly. Today was a day to mark history. If we succeeded, humanity could reclaim it's land and things would become safe again. If we failed, then we would die, and humanity would die with us. We cannot fail.
I sat and began to think about everything and everyone who had been in my life since I was a child which I could never have back. My mother, my father, Daemon, Caleb. They wouldn't get to see the world today, but I reckon somewhere amongst the stars, they're watching, and they're proud. After a while, we finally reached Alberta, and the outskirts of Calgary. A few trucks pulled up with us. "Squad A and B are going to take the left side of the city. Squad C and D are going to take the right. We're going straight down the middle," Jacob explained as we got out of the truck. We quickly grabbed our packs and armed ourselves. Now was the time, the time for change. Everything we did after this point could lead to the rescue or death of humanity.
We all headed as a squadron together. Taking back roads to reach the middle of the city. The silence was a bit too much. Something wasn't right. While slowing down my jog, I started to faze out. "JACOB, AMBUSH!" I yelled as I woke up from my daze. Out of no where, demons lunged off of roof tops and attacked us. We emptied bullets into their bodies and used knives to stab the rest. Ichor spilt everywhere, leaving behind the sadly familiar smell of rotting eggs. Jacob glared at me, then shook his head and nodded at me gratefully. "Alright, lets keep moving this time, without running into more traps," Jacob ordered.
As we travelled deeper into the city, Jacob took up a toll. "Thousands, we've killed thousands of those things, same with the other squads. Do you think they're all here? Now?" he asked quietly. We all thought for a moment. "That would be insane if they were," Tyler whispered. Rosa looked at all of us like we were idiots. "It's mating season, the only time sub-demon males can claim themselves a sub-demon female is now, until next year. I would be surprised if they weren't all here," she announced. Skyler looked amazed that his sister knew so much about the demons and their lives. Luna sighed and ran faster to catch up with Tyler. "Matthew, something feels off, doesn't it?" I questioned, looking over at him. He shrugged slowly. "I...I don't know," he replied slowly.

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