Human Life Can Be Boring

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Later that night, Daemon came to talk to Matthew and I. "Hey, uh, Lea, do you love this guy?" Daemon questioned, nodding at Matthew. I looked at Daemon, then at Matthew. "Y...yes," I replied hesitantly. Daemon sighed. "I see, well, Matthew was it, you better look after her," Daemon hissed as he began to turn away. Matthew kissed the side of my head. "Lea...I was wondering....would to girlfriend?" he asked. I thought for a moment, then nodded, a smile forming on my face. "I love you," he said as he kissed me. "I love you too," I said into his lips as I kissed him back. That night, Matthew and I slept together in the same bed.
The next morning, we all woke up and went upstairs to Caleb cooking pancakes. We all are while talking and discussing things. We decided that everyone would go to school for this week, then over the weekend, we would try figure out the demon problem. I went to get in a shower when the door opened, I stuck my head out from behind the curtain to see Matthew. "Oh, sorry, didn't realize you were in there," he said swiftly, embarrassment looming in his voice as he covered his privates with a towel. I giggled slightly as he turned to leave. "Not much time left before we have to go, want to join me?" I offered, opening the shower curtains a little bit. With that, Matthew got into the shower with me.
Today at school was quite boring. Rosa and I had to hide our wings all day, while Lina had to act shy to make sure that no one caught a glimpse of her fangs. In the end, I came up with a cover story. Since everyone thinks I'm from a poor town, I explained that Luna was my sister and that our father had done unspeakable things to her, which almost caused her to get her tongue cut out, so she doesn't talk anymore. Everyone seemed to believe that and leave Luna alone. The whole day was boring. The whole week was boring actually. The most interesting part of the week was the band practices everyday. Finally things reached Friday, the last day of the school week, and the day of Matthew's big soccer game.

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