Born Of Dusk

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The ringing of bells woke me up from my slumber. Dazed and still half asleep, I sat up and looked around my room. The room was filled with the orangish glow that it always gets around sunset. I knew exactly what time it was. Dusk, the time of my exile. I grabbed a small bag and shoved my diary and a pen in there. As I glanced around my room for the last time, that feeling of loss hit me again. This room, the room my mother and I designed together, this was the last time I was going to see it. The last memory of my mother was just going to be words in my diary. For the rest of my life, those were the only memories that I could cling to. I stepped out of my room and slowly walked out the house. Suddenly my father flew up behind me. "You've failed me, Lea. You have to come with me," my father said, putting his hand on my back between my shoulder blades. A shudder ran down my spine and I pulled away from him. "Don't touch me, you betrayed your daughter, you don't deserve to touch me!" I hissed. My father looked taken aback, but he put his hand back on my back and pushed me to walk.
As we arrived at the edge of our village, I noticed that people were in a circle around the Guardians of Heaven. The guardians looked at me with disgust. I bowed my head to the ground. This was going to be an embarrassing mark on both me, my family, and angel kind. Luna was standing at the back of the circle, leaning against Skyler while watching me. There was a weak look on her face. My eyes met her's for a moment. There was a look in them, something I couldn't identify. Instantly, my eyes darted to her chest, she was wearing a clean shirt, and there was no blood on it, probably another one of Rosa's handy works. I noticed that Daemon wasn't in the crowd, had he deserted me? Fang and Rosa were holding each other's hands tightly, fear riddled in their faces. They looked like if either of them let go of each other's arms, they'd go insane and fall apart on the spot. This was something strange to see.
Suddenly Daemon ran up behind me and my father. "Sir, no offence, but your daughter doesn't like you. I will take her the rest of the way and send her off, you go join the crowd," he ordered. My father instantly pulled his hand away from my back and stretched his wings. He instantly flew into the people, excited to see me leave. "Lea, listen to me. Southwest, there's a town, it's safe there. Go there, the humans there are kind. Next chance we get to leave, we'll come see you, okay?" Daemon whispered into my ear. I nodded and rested my head against his shoulder. Daemon hugged his arms around me and said something, but with another round of bells, his words were lost. I felt Daemon go tense next to me. He was usually so cool and collected, but this was something he couldn't handle. He couldn't handle pushing his best friend since childhood, to her possible death.
Time seemed frozen for a moment, Daemon's arms around me, all my problems melted away. That's when I realized, maybe I like Daemon more than a friend, maybe I love him. He had always been with me. Even now, through my exile, he's holding me tight and keeping me up. I can't tell him how I feel. If he found out, I don't know what would happen. I don't think he likes me that way, and I don't want to ruin our friendship. Even if he did like me that way back, he would go as far as to die for me, and I don't want to see him get hurt. I felt my cheeks start to get flushed, so I let the memories of my exile consume me. Fear, worry, danger, lonliness, all of them will be my life now.
With the third ringing of bells, Daemon broke our hug. "'s time, come on," he whispered, turning me around and pushing on my back. I bowed my head to look at the dirt. Everyone's eyes were on me as Daemon marched me forward to the council. The head of the council, an old angel named David stood in front of me. People around me began murmuring through the crowd. "THAT'S NO ANGEL, THAT'S A DEMON, SHE KILLED MY BABY!" someone in the crowd yelled. These people hate me, and all I did was dream. I dug my finger nails into the palm of my hand, pressing them deeper and deeper with every threat yelled at me. Daemon rested his hand against my back again, sending a wave of reassurance through me. These people may despise me, but Daemon reminded me, my friends are here.
David rose his hand and the crowd fell silent. "Leanne Penelope Devans, do you know why you're here?" David asked. I glanced towards my father. His face was smug and cruel. Was he happy to see me go? I looked back to David and shook my head. "Leanne, you are being exiled for the planning of two deaths of two innocent children. Do you have any defence for yourself?" David questioned. I heard Daemon breathe as though he was about to speak, so I turned and pushed him away. I will not let him take this, I'll be exiled for his plans, for my dreams. Everyone gasped as they watched. "No, David!" I hissed. People looked at me, astonished. No one ever disrespects David. He stared me down then turned towards some hell hounds which are just demons crossed with werewolves. "You have an hour to leave the forest, then we will set the hell hounds out. If you are inside the forest by this time, they will kill you. Now, leave our land, and never come back," David ordered. Daemon tensed up behind me as I walked forward. I stretched my feathery wings, and took one last glance back at my friends. All of them, looked shocked and terrified. I stepped forward and flew off, heading southwest. Now I would leave my home, and I could never come back. As of July fourteenth, I am an outcast, a loner. My new life of hiding in the human world was born at dusk.

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