Have Your Back...Until The Very End

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We quickly took a break to eat and drink. It didn't last long since we were all uneasy to stay still for long. After a few minutes, we were moving again. We killed any demon in sight and kept going. After a while, Fang stopped dead in his tracks and sniffed the air. He whirled around and stared down the alley we had just came through. Out of no where, demons came charging down it, hundreds of them. We instantly began shooting at them. There was so many, we were vastly outnumbered. Soon, the demons were too close for comfort. "RUN!" Jacob ordered, pulling Luna and Tyler forward. We sprinted as fast as we could. Demons pushed their way in between us, forming gaps between the squad and separating us. A demon snapped at my ankle then rammed into my leg, pushing me down a separate alley way.
A group of demons followed me as I sprinted as fast as I could away from them. The demons snapped at my ankles and pulled the knives from my boots. These demons were smart for mindless creatures. After finally putting some space between the demons and I, I ran into an old building and hid inside. My breaths came fast and I had to cover my mouth to keep quiet. The demons passed the building slowly. Sniffing the air with their dragon like muzzles. Finally, they left without catching me. I pulled a com up to my mouth. "Squad S are you out there?" I asked into the mic quietly as I held down the button. There came no response.
I pressed the button again and repeated the question. This time I got a response. "Sister, where are you?" Luna's voice said through the com's speakers a little too loudly. I flinched and looked around. "I don't know, an old store?" I replied into the com. There was silence for a few moments. "Lea, we'll get in touch soon, stay where you are, they're back, they're big," Luna said swiftly as the sounds of gunshots came through the com speaker. Then it went silent. I sighed and looked around. Somewhere in this damned city, my friends and family are being attacked by demons, and I'm stuck here in a building, unable to help anyone.
There was a sound from upstairs that sounded like claws on wood. My body tensed as I walked past the destroyed shelves and jumped over the counter. The click click clack sounds continued from upstairs. Something was upstairs. I brought my gun down on the doorknob, opening the door. I walked up the stairs silently, aiming my gun at the top. At the top of the stairs was an empty room. I looked around slowly, looking for the source of the walking sounds. Suddenly a demon lunged on my back, causing me to fall forward to the ground. I landed on the com button, making it possible for my squadron to hear me. The demon sank it's claws into my back then bit my shoulder. I screamed in pain as it's fangs sank deeper into my flesh. Then, out of no where, I heard the sound of human foot steps running up the stairs. My vision began blurring. Then there was the bang of a gun.

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