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I woke up to the demon sub-species howling in pain. "He...hello?" I called out weakly, only to realize there was a gag over my mouth. As I tried to sit up, I realized my arms and legs were chained down to a table. I stretched my wings out only to feel sharp pain in my back. One last sharp howl sounded from behind the door in this dark room, then everything went silent. Suddenly, the doors flew open as Luna and Daemon ran in. "Jee... It's hell out there," Daemon said, choking slightly when he went to say Jesus. Luna shook her head and turned, finally realizing I was there. "Lea!" she gasped as she ran towards me. Daemon followed me in shock, a look of hope forming in his eyes. Lea used her fangs to cut away the gag. "Thank you," I whispered tiredly. Daemon pulled out a knife and began stabbing the chains holding my limbs to the table. "I'll call the others," Luna sighed, pointing to the window.
After a short while, I was free. Daemon sat me up and looked into my eyes. All of the wounds I had received were mostly healed now, a couple leaving scars in their place. Out of no where, the window shattered. Skyler and Rosa stood on the windowsill. "Lea, good to see you," Skyler said, waving at me. Daemon walked over to the window frame and looked down. "Luna and I can jump and run, Lea, can you walk?" he asked curiously. I stood up and my knees buckled beneath me. I fell onto my hands and knees and cried out in pain. My heart was pounding and it felt like the blood was on fire in my veins. "She got bitten by those...things," Luna whispered. Daemon picked me up and handed me to Rosa. My consciousness was quickly fading again. Over and over, almost deliriously, I began muttering Jacob's address. Matthew had told Jacob who I really was so that if anything happened, I could go to Jacob for help. "Take her there Rosa, we'll catch up," Luna ordered. Rosa began to flutter up with me in her arms, but just before I passed out, Daemon kissed my forehead.
I woke up to the sounds of talking. "What are you?" A muffled, male sounding voice asked. There was the sounds of footsteps. "I'm a fairy, this girl, this angel knew your address, we need help, please," a muffled, familiar, female sounding voice begged. "Liam back off you asshole. That girl is Lea, bring her in, Caleb and Matt are going to be happy," Jacob's voice explained. I opened my eyes to see Jacob lifting me up. "Oh geez, your skin feels like ice. Rosa...right? Come on in," he ordered, pushing Liam out and shutting the door after Rosa was inside. Jacob laid me down on a couch. Around me sat in chairs was Tyler, Ryan, and Caleb. They were all staring at Rosa and I, wide eyed. Rosa's wings folded behind her back, one of her nervous habits. " re...rel...relax," I gasped weakly before coughing. The small cough turned into a coughing fit. Rosa sprung into action and tore part of her dress, she held it over my mouth while I coughed into it. When I finally stopped coughing, and my breathing steady, she pulled the cloth away but the fabric came away bloody. Jacob looked at me wide eyed. "I'm gonna go get Matthew," he whispered before running out of the room. Caleb put his hand on my shoulder then instantly recoiled. "She's burning up, but Jacob said she was cold," he muttered, thinking to himself.
Matthew ran into the room with Jacob tailing behind him. "Lea," he gasped as he kneeled down next to me. I forced a weak smile at him. Rosa watched us quietly. "She shouldn't try talk again, she's sick," Rosa whispered. Everyone except me looked at Rosa. "What's wrong with her?" Ryan asked, admiring Rosa's body. Rosa tensed up as she looked at me. "There's demon poison in her veins, once her sister gets here, she can help," she explained nervously. "Lea's sister....the...vampire...Luna...right?" Caleb questioned. Rosa nodded slowly, surprised that he knew. "Rosa, my name is Caleb, my younger brother Matthew and I have been looking after Lea," he said, realizing her uneasiness. Rosa relaxed and Jacob made her sit in a chair. "You said more people were coming, how many?" he asked. Rosa thought for a moment. "Four. An air elemental warlock, a werewolf, a demon, and a vampire," she replied. Caleb looked at Rosa for a moment. "But didn't you say demons did this to her?" Ryan asked, looking at me. Rosa nodded. "Last night, all demons changed into their hell form, all demons but one, Daemon, Lea's childhood friend," she explained. I looked at Matthew with a pained look in my eyes as his hands wrapped around my hand that had been dangling off the edge of the couch. "Luna better hurry up...Lea's running out of time," Rosa stated uneasily.

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