The Big Game

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After school, Ryan, Jacob, Rosa, Skyler, Luna, Daemon, Fang, and I went up to the stands by the soccer and football pitch to watch the soccer game. Tyler was stretching in goal, while Caleb was talking quickly to Matthew. Matthew was in his blue jersey with black shorts. He was wearing black cleats with blue laces as well. I got up quickly and sprinted down to the pitch. Caleb laughed and waved to his brother before going to join the others back in the stands. "Hey babe," Matthew said as I ran over and hugged him. "Good luck," I giggled as I kissed his chin. Matthew's arms wrapped around me and he kissed my forehead. "The game is about to start, go up to the stands," Matthew ordered as he let go of me. "Love you," I whispered as I ran back up to my seat in the stands. People began cheering as a teams of soccer players in blue jerseys got onto one side of the pitch. People booed as a team in yellow jerseys walked onto the other. A referee came out and dropped a black and white ball into the middle. He flipped a coin then pointed towards the team in blue. I could see Matthew from here as he readied himself to run.
"You know, Matthew has never missed a goal in a game before since he got into high school," Jacob explained. Rosa looked shocked. "That's amazing," she replied as she watched Matthew dribble the ball down the field, another boy in a blue jersey running next to him. People ran towards Matthew, trying to get the ball from him, but they all failed. When Matthew got close enough, he kicked the ball towards the goal. The yellow team's goal keeper dove to catch the ball with his hands, but the ball flew right over them and into the back of the net. The whole crowd cheered. People in blue jerseys began to high five as the referee blew his whistle and the next part of the game began.
After the half ended, people in the crowd walked down to a small tent with food and drinks being sold from inside. Caleb got up and bought us all popcorn and bottles of root beer. After about ten minutes, the match started again. The Ravens, Matthew's team was winning twenty three to eighteen. The game was starting to get violent with pushing and shoving while going in to get the ball, but Matthew was still faster and more agile, scoring more goals by the minute. Even when someone shoved Matthew over, the ball he had kicked still ended up in the net, scoring more points.
I could feel Daemon staring at me, and I began to realize he could see the love for Matthew in my eyes. His eyes began to glow slightly. "One minute left on the clock, come on Matt, the game is tied, WIN THIS!" Jacob cheered loudly. Daemon flinched and his body recoiled slightly. "Are you okay?" I asked, concern forming in my eyes and voice. Matthew kicked the ball and it flew straight into the back of the net. People screamed and cheered as the game ended, our team had won. Daemon screamed in pain. "Daemon?" I called, walking towards him and putting my hand on his shoulders. Fangs formed in his mouth, and claws on his hands as he pushed me down and began strangling me. "," I called through my choked breaths as I struggled under Daemon. He slammed my head down as he strangled me. Suddenly, people began screaming as the new forms of demons dove into the crowd and onto the pitch.

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