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Keith's hands fell away from my body and he backed up. Donavan stared down at his hand with the gun. His hand was glittering. Matthew opened his eyes and looked down to see he wasn't shot. My heart was pounding as I turned around, all the colour had faded from my eyes. "Donavan, shot me," Keith said as he collapsed. My frown turned into a smirk as I turned back around to face Donavan. Matthew pulled his phone out of his pocket. "YOU MADE ME SHOOT HIM YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Donavan screamed as he aimed the gun at me. I laughed and walked towards Donavan. He tried to shoot but the gun jammed. "Fuck fuck fuck no no no," he stuttered, fumbling to get the gun working again.
Realizing the gun was useless, Donavan dropped it to the ground. He pulled a knife and ran towards me. As he got close, I lifted my leg up, kneeing Donavan in the crotch. "BITCH!" he yelled as he grabbed my shoulders and threw me to the ground. I laughed and Donavan's hand sparkled again. With that, he threw the knife at a nearby car, setting off the alarm. He kneeled down and began punching me over and over. Obviously, he thought I was helpless. I sat up and punched him in the gut. He fell over as I jumped to my feet. I began kicking him in the stomach over and over. "LEAVE MATTHEW ALONE YOU BASTARD!" I yelled, one word with each kick. I began to walk away. Once my back was turned, Donavan pulled another gun and aimed it at the back of my head. Matthew instantly sprinted towards me. "GET DOWN!" he ordered as he tackled me. A bullet flew over our heads and hit a nearby tree. Almost instantly, police cars and an ambulance pulled up.
Donavan was lifted into the ambulance along with Keith. The paramedics glanced over at me. A nice looking woman came over. "Did you get hurt?" she asked. I shook my head and looked around. Since the cops showed up, I haven't seen Matthew. I felt blood on my face then wiped it away quickly. The paramedic rolled her eyes and went to join her coworkers in the ambulance. After a few minutes, the ambulance drove away. A police officer walked over to me. "Lea right?" he questioned. I nodded shyly and felt myself tense up. "Those boys you took out were known for what they've been doing in the area, we never had the evidence to catch them, but we do now, so thank you," the police officer said gratefully. I looked at the ground quietly. "No problem," I muttered. Slowly, the police officer walked away.
A group of teenage boys and girls ran over to me. "That was awesome" "How did you do that" "I thought you guys were goners" "That was incredible" "Teach me to fight like that" was some of the many things I heard from the group was swarming me. I felt myself shaking nervously. "Alright guys, back off, fight's over, give the girl some space!" a familiar voice ordered. Muttering amongst themselves, the group slowly left. "Tyler! Thank you!" I cheered, smiling at him. He opened his arms to hug me and I hugged him back. "You're insane kid, you know that? Mental, insane, and bloody suicidal," he whispered. I laughed slightly and nodded. "Where's Matt?" I asked, pulling away from Tyler's hug. He shrugged and studied my face. "You're awfully pale, and you're bleeding, why didn't you go with the ambulance?" he asked, handing me a tissue from a pack he had in his pocket. I used the tissue to wipe the blood from my face. "Dunno," I replied, thinking to myself as I spoke. Suddenly the bell for classes rang. "Caleb told me your first class was with me, come on," Tyler called, pulling me into the school.

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