Burn In Hell

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The demon dog pounced onto my chest. It's glowing red eyes stared into mine. My body tensed as the creature smiled at me with it's sharp teeth. "You're going to die now," the humanlike demon chuckled. The demon dog sank his fangs into my neck. I screamed as a wave of agony flowed over me. Tears formed in my eyes and ran down my cheeks. Warm blood leaked from the dog's mouth and began to run down my neck. All the demons in the world walked out of the shadows in the room. Millions of demons were here to see me die. The humanlike demon laughed as the fangs slid deeper into my neck. Spots began to appear in my vision and my ears began ringing. Was this truly the end? Am I really going to die here?
Matthew ran swiftly up the street. "She's in the big building in the centre of town," Luna whispered as she struggled to keep up with Matthew. Once all the demons had retreated from the fight. Luna and Matthew had split from the squadron to look for Lea, using Luna's tracking vampire ability. Matthew had brought a bomb with him in case something needed to go to the ground. They soon reached the large building and went inside. Matthew and Luna hurried to find Lea in this house. "Hurry, Lea's running out of time, her signal is weak," Luna said, making herself sprint even faster. With that, Matthew sped up as well.
The demon dog finally released my neck. Blood was leaking out and demon poison coursed through my veins, spreading that sensation that my blood was on fire inside of me through my body. My heart was pounding and my breaths were rapid. All the demons watched intently as my body struggled for life. Suddenly Matthew and Luna ran in. Luna began shooting demons as Matthew saw me. Demons lunged at Matthew as he made a dash to reach me. I weakly watched him, swiftly bleeding out. Matthew dodged as every demon either pounced over or under him. He finally reached me, and pulled a knife from his pocket. Swiftly, he cut the ropes.
Matthew placed the bomb under the table and activated it. My vision hazed over then went normal then hazed over and went normal again. Everything in my body was screaming to let go. I kept hanging on, hanging on for my friends, for my family, for my love. Matthew lifted me from the table. He sprinted across the room, dodging demons again. Luna was still shooting left and right, killing many of the creatures. Everything reeked of rotten eggs. Matthew waved for Luna to run with him. Luna slammed the door closed and took a broken table leg to hold the door handle closed, so no demons could escape. Matthew ran faster, pulling me closer to his chest. "I....l...lo....lov...love y...yo...you" I stuttered weakly, the life quickly fleeing my eyes. Matthew looked down at me. "I love you too," he whispered, holding me tighter.
Luna appeared beside us outside the building. There was a loud bang and the sky illuminated behind where we running from. Matthew's bomb had exploded and must have killed whatever demons had not made it out of there. "Burn in hell fuckers," Luna hissed as the explosion slowly finished. Smoke poured into the air. Ashes rained down from the sky with bits of debris. Luna began tracking down Rosa's location and broke into full sprint in her direction. Matthew ran along side her, desperate to get me help. He had deep cuts over his skin but he was ignoring them for my sake. I watched Matthew's face as he ran and felt my eyelids become heavy. "Just hold on a little longer Lea, please!" Matthew begged, noticing my body slowly becoming more limp in his arms. My vision blurred then went normal. I stared up at Matthew and my eyes closed, plunging me into darkness. The last thing I heard was the suddenly increasing beat of Matthew's heart, as I felt my own heart stop in my chest.

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