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I woke up in a dark room, alone. "Hello?" I called out, sitting up. There was light coming out from the crack under the door, casting a little bit of a glow over the room. I got up and looked down, I was still in the same clothes as before from what I could tell. I heard noises outside the room that sounded like music and relaxed a little. Thinking things through, I was probably in Matthew's house. Step by step, I walked my way to the door than opened it. The light in this living room was brighter than any light I've ever seen. I stepped out and looked around.
A boy stared at me, smiling. He looked similar to Matthew but older. "Hey, you're up, how do you feel?" He asked. I jumped and felt myself tense up. He stood up and looked at me. "Sorry, you probably don't know who I am. I'm Caleb. I'm Matt's brother," he explained. I instantly relaxed. "I'm Lea," I whispered. Caleb's smile got more broad. He waved for me to come towards him. "My brother said he found you on the streets with Paul. Also said you couldn't go home, that true?" he questioned. I nodded shyly. "How long had you been walking before Matt found you?" Caleb asked. I thought for a moment. I guess I should say that I walked instead of flew, for my own safety. "Around two or three hours, I think," I replied. Caleb looked surprised. "Have you eaten? You're awfully thin," he said. I shrugged and thought for a moment. "How about you sleep until morning, we'll wake you up for breakfast and figure something out for you?" he offered. I nodded again. Then turned back into the room I came from.
I laid down and stared at the dark ceiling. My wings were killing me from having them scrunched up. I let them stretch up then sighed with relief. Deciding that someone might come in while I slept, I pulled a warm, soft blanket over myself. As I fell asleep, my mind slipped to Daemon. What was he doing now? Before I could really decide, I slipped into a dreamless sleep.
Daemon sat on a tree branch alone, pondering what had happened. Since Lea's exile, Daemon has been alone and slipping slowly into depression. Without noticing, Rosa flew up behind Daemon. "Daemon, you need to sleep," she said. Daemon shrugged and looked at the ground below the tree. "No, I'll never see Lea again, the hell hounds protect this damned place, I can never fucking leave. I NEVER TOLD HER HOW MUCH I LOVED HER, AND NOW SHE WILL NEVER KNOW!" he yelled, letting his emotions flow. Rosa sighed and turned away. "I'm leaving you, you will see her again, they can't keep you here forever and they can't lock her forever away from us," she ranted before flying away again. Daemon sat there in his despair, wondering if his life really had worth without Lea in it. He was debating if tonight should be his last night, or if he should keep living on in a life without a love.

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