One Last Night

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I woke up to the sound of an alarm in the camp. Today was our last day before being deployed to Calgary to take out as many demons as we could. After preparations were done, the rest of the day was free for us to do what we'd like in the camp. I quickly got dressed into my uniform then jogged over to the mess hall. People were scattered across tables, most in their squadrons, eating breakfast. For breakfast was a bland oatmeal, overly salted scrambled eggs, and some not completely cooked sausages. I quickly sat down at our squad's table between Rosa and Matthew then began eating. Once we finished our food, Jacob had a lecture for us. "So we need to get supplies rationed into our bags, then load them up into our truck, then we're actually all set. I have to go meet with the other squad leaders that are going on this mission, but you will have all afternoon to yourselves," he said gesturing to all of us.
We walked over to a large building similar to our training centre, but instead of having training equipment inside, it was lined with tables. The tables had many supplies scattered among them. I was handed a bag, and a gun. In a line, we went along the tables and stuffed supplies into our bags. Bullets, clips, combat knives, non-perishable food, a full water bottle, a pack of water purifier, a pack of matches, a thermal heat reflecting sleeping bag, a small med-kit, and a flashlight was on the list of things stuffed into our bags. Once we were done, we put the bags into a roomy green truck. Realizing we had lots of time, we went to help the squadron on mess hall duty with their clean up.
After we were done, we all walked into the training hall. "Hey brother, wanna fight?" Rosa asked, punching Skyler in the arm. Skyler laughed and they'd headed over to one of the sparing mats. Luna flashed her teeth at Fang and his claws extended. "Bring it!" he growled as they walked over to the second mat. Tyler began target practice with a gun and some throwing knives. Matthew looked at me and grabbed my hand. "They're occupied, lets have some alone time, we haven't in forever!" he suggested. I nodded and chuckled. With that, we jogged over to our dorm. Once we were inside, Matthew kissed me. I hugged his arms around his neck and kissed him back. Kissing turned to making out, and soon we were in our own world.
After having showers, Matthew and I got dressed into clean clothes. When the bell rang for dinner, Matthew and I jogged over to the mess hall. "There they are!" Tyler announced as we walked in. We quickly grabbed our trays of food then sat down with our squadron. "Where were you guys at lunch?" Luna asked with a smirk. I felt my cheeks burning up and Fang laughed. "Now now guys, no need to patronize them. If I remember rightly, Luna walked in on you and Rosa doing the same thing," Skyler stated, shooting an annoyed glare at Fang. Instantly he shut up and we all laughed. We dug into our food and began talking about what we did all afternoon. Well Matthew and I didn't go into great detail at least. With all the jokes, we forgot that tomorrow, we were being sent out to a murder zone.
That night, we were all sitting in the dorm, unable to sleep. "Rosa, you up?" Fang whispered through the darkness. Rosa made that mhm sound as though to say yes. Jacob turned on the lights out of frustration. "All right, calm down, we're all on edge, we get it," Skyler said calmly. I sat up and looked at Matthew who was in the bed across from me. He waved for me to come over. So I got out of my bed and crossed the room, then got in bed with Matthew. "Not in front of us dude!" Luna chuckled. Tyler face palmed. "We're just going to sleep in the same bed, nothing more," Matthew explained. With that, we all gave out a tense sort of laugh. Finally Fang stood up and waved for Rosa to sit up. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Rosa looked at him curiously.
We all watched as Fang knelt down on one knee in front of her. "I have been wanting to ask you this forever, then I was going to save it until after the mission. But I realized there's a chance that both us might not come back. So I'm going to ask you this now. Rosa, will you marry me?" he asked hopefully, opening the box to reveal a golden ring. Rosa screamed in delight then hugged her arms around Fang's neck. "YES!" she yelled as he picked her up and span her around. We all smiled after watching this. "We should probably sleep," Jacob suggested as he turned out the lights again. I nuzzled my body into Matthew's and he hugged an arm around me. Rosa and Fang laid down together in Rosa's bed. Tyler waved for Luna to come sleep with him, so she quickly went over into his bed. Before I could see anything else, I felt Matthew kiss my neck and I fell asleep.

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