London Fog Frappuccino

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Frozen Earl Grey Latte:

-4 cups ice

-430 mL (1 ¾ cups) water

-4 Earl Grey tea sachets or Earl Grey tea bags

-45 mL (3 tbsp) sweetened condensed milk

-5 mL (1 tsp) vanilla extract

Whipped Cream:

-125 mL (½ cup) heavy cream

-15 mL (1 tbsp) sweetened condensed milk


Make Tea: An electric kettle with a temperature setting is great for boiling water quick. Set the water temperature to 190°F. If you're boiling water on the stovetop, turn off the heat as soon as it starts to simmer. Steep Earl Grey tea sachets in hot water for 5 minutes. Discard tea sachets.

Make Whipped Cream: Combine heavy cream and 1 tablespoon of sweetened condensed milk in a tall container and whip until it doubles in volume using a handheld milk frother. Set aside.

Blend: Blend tea, ice, vanilla extract, and sweetened condensed milk until smooth. Use the blender tamper tool since it'll make your frappuccino smoother.

Assemble Drink: Pour frozen London Fog into two cups. Top with whipped cream. Serve with a straw and drink immediately.

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