27. Begining of the end

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Sam: " Welcome back Sir and Madam!"
Y/N: " Thank you for fetching us Sam."
Yuqi: " Are the girls back?"
Sam: " Yes, all of them are back at home Madam."
Y/N: " Alright let's go back."
Yuqi: " Yeah I kinda miss them."

They quickly got on to the car and went back home.

Soon they reach home.

Minnie: " Aye Welcome back you two!"
The girls were all sitting around the sofa.
Miyeon: " We've been waiting you guys, quickly come here."
Yuqi: " What's going on?"
Yuna: " We all bought things from our family side, it's time to share around."
Y/N: "Oh nice! We bought a lot of things too, we can trade!"

Soon the chaos begin as everyone was picking and passing around all the things.

Soojin: " oh my god it's too messy! Let's tidy the place up!"
Miyeon: " Oh yes, I have a good news to announce by the way!"
Everyone looked at Miyeon,
Miyeon: " Soojin has been transfer to our school and our classroom specifically!"
"Woooo!!!" Everyone cheered
Minnie: " How about me? Did they moved me into your class as well?"
Miyeon: " Maybe~? "
Minnie: " Yah! Stop playing! Tell me."
Miyeon: " Yeah they did, all of us are in 1 class now."
Minnie: " Yay!!" She hugged Miyeon.

Y/N: " Well let's take an good early rest today since tomorrow we gotta return to our old school."

They all went back to their room after packing and tidying up the house.

Y/N and Yuqi too took a quick shower and prepare to chill and sleep for the day as it was quite tiring.

Y/N laid in the bed, while Yuqi was drying her hair at the side.

Y/N: " Yes, we are finally going back to our original school tomorrow."
Yuqi: " Mmhm."
Y/N: " Now that I think of it, I suddenly remember that incident before."
Yuqi: " Which one?"
Y/N: " The one where Seolhyun drugged me and Miyeon."
Yuqi: " What's wrong with it?"
Y/N: " Well, Based on what Minnie said, Seolhyun shouldn't be doing it after Minnie gave up on me but she still insist on doing it as that's why Minnie came and warn us at the end."
Yuqi: " That means Seolhyun has something wrong to do with us instead, but we've gone back to our old school tomorrow and we won't be see her ever again, so why bother."
Y/N: " I know but, it's just so weird, it's a mystery and I want to know what and why made her did that to us, and also another thing, Miyeon accidentally caught the drug by eating, does that mean the rest of the class also got drugged? If so, why? What's her objective?"
Yuqi: " Hmm, you sure think a lot don't you. You are making my head go big."
Y/N: " Well, I know we won't be seeing her again but that's quite a big and mysterious question isn't it...? Why... is she doing this?"
Yuqi: " Why not you just sleep and forget about it...?"
Y/N: " Well I can't sleep without hugging my girlfriend you know?"
Yuqi: " I'm still drying my hair Bibi."
Y/N: " That's why I'm still waiting, in the mean time ill think about this shenanigans."
Yuqi: " You gotta chill hahaha."

Awhile later,
Yuqi: " Alright it's dry."
She hop into the bed and they hug each other to sleep in the usual position.

But Y/N couldn't sleep just yet, the questions reappear over and over bothering him.
"Why did Seolhyun drug us? What does she have against us? We did do anything bad to her did we? Hmm... it's true we are going back to our old school, but something tells me that day at the BBQ isn't our last time seeing Seolhyun... why?" Y/N look at the soft snoring Yuqi beside him. "No matter what it takes, I'll protect Woogie."
He tilt his head and gave Yuqi a kiss on the forehead.

Yuqi somewhat wakes up to it,
Yuqi: " Yes...? Bibi..."
Y/N: " I'm sorry I woke you up..."
Yuqi: " It's ok, keep doing what you were doing, I like it."
Y/N: " Ok..." he continue to kiss Yuqi on the forehead.
Yuqi: " Alright, stop thinking and go to sleep Bibi..."
She tug her hand on to Y/N's shoulder as he slowly patted him to sleep like a mother patting her child to sleep.

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