11.Ten Years

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Y/N left Yuqi's dorm, on his way back, he received a message from Minnie.

Minnie message:
"Y/N! Are you over at your dorm? May I come over? I heard that you are preparing for tomorrow's chalet, I would like to help too!"

Y/N reply
" Oh? Sure come over, we were about to discuss what are the things we have to prepare."

Minnie reply:
" Oks! I'll be there in a short while."

Y/N had reached his dorm as they were done messaging. He open up his door expecting Yuna and Miyeon to be in there.
Y/N: " Yuna? Miyeon?"
"Nobody's here? Didn't I told them to come first?"
Y/N: " Miyeon? Yuna?" Not believing they aren't here.
Y/N dialled Yuna's number and no one picked up. He tried to call Miyeon but too she didn't pick up the call.
"What's going on here? Is my phone bugged or?"
He then tries to call Yuqi.
Yuqi on the phone: " Yes Y/N?"
Y/N: " Well that worked."
Yuqi: " Sorry what?"
Y/N: " No it's just, Miyeon and Yuna wasn't here surprisingly and I tried calling them, they both didn't pick up. So I thought my phone was bugged or something and that's why I called you to check."
Yuqi: " Maybe they just went out for breakfast and kept their phone in silence? Let's just wait. I'll be there soon."
Y/N: " Aight." They both hang up the phone.

"Guess I can take this time to truly rest alittle bit. It was kinda tiring considering waking up that early for the sunrise."
Y/N went to Lay down on his bed and took a quick nap.

*Knock Knock*
Minnie: " Y/N! I'm here!"
Y/N slowly crawl out of the bed and opened the door with his eyes still 90% closed.
Minnie: " Oh crap I'm sorry did I woke you up?"
Y/N: " It's ok I'll just go back to napping, wake me up again when the rest arrive."
Minnie: " Alright!"

As they walk into the room, Minnie saw female items on another bed.
Minnie: " Yah Y/N! You have a girl sleeping in your dorm?"
Y/N: " Yeah... those are just Woogie's"
Minnie: " oh... I see."
Her thoughts. " she's moving fast..."

Y/N fells asleep again. Soon he was waken by talkings... more like arguing.
Yuqi: " Why are you touching my things?"
Minnie: " Why are your things in Y/N's dorm?"
Yuqi: " Why not ?"
Minnie: " I don't think different genders are allowed to be sleeping in the same dorm overnight."
Yuqi: " I don't care."
Y/N: " Girls... can we just not?"
Minnie: " See now Y/N got interrupted in his sleep because of you."
Yuqi: " It was you who was so noisy."

And as they were arguing, the door opens. It was Miyeon and Yuna.
Miyeon: " What's going on?"
Yuqi: " Wow just on time, this person keep fiddling with my stuff."
Minnie: " The part where her things are in Y/N's dorm is just weird already."
Miyeon: " That's true, why are your things in his dorm?"
Yuqi: " Because I've officially moved over to his dorm?"
Miyeon: " You know that's against my rules right?"
Yuqi: " Stop using your rules, you yourself have clearly broken it many times."
Y/N: " Please, it's 10am in the morning can you girls just calm it down."
Yuqi: " Hmph!"

Y/N: " So Miyeon Yuna where you girls went? I thought I told you girls to come here first?"
Yuna: " Well, we went to eat breakfast and our phone was silenced, sorry!"
Y/N: " Oh no worries. Now is it ok for you girls to just like chill awhile? I need to nap alittle longer."
Yuna: " Okay!"
The rest of the 3 girls glared at each other.

Y/N couldn't care no more as his sleep was taking over and he dive back to sleep.

After who knows how long, Y/N finally woke up. He look over to see the girls were sitting together playing card games.
"Damn girls are so weird, they were quarreling and now they are in peace?"

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