18. Choices

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"Y/N! You can make it!"
"We believe you can hold it through!"
"Y/N Don't you dare leave me now!"

"Am I hearing things? Have I died? I only remember Woogie was saved by the fireman and I lost conscious after..."

Back in reality, after Yuqi was saved by the fireman, she manage to regain conscious. She saw Minnie, Yuna and Miyeon around her.

Minnie: "Thank god Woogie you are finally awake!"
Yuqi: " Where is Y/N?!" She quickly stood up and looked around.
Miyeon: " We don't know, we haven seen him yet. Besides shouldn't you 2 come out together?"
Yuqi: " *Sniff* he was caught under a heavy wooden pole..."
Minnie: " WHAT? And you left him alone?!
Yuna waved her hands,
Yuna: " Minnie! There's no reason for Yuqi to leave him behind, she loves him just like you, she won't want to see her love one leaving her like that."
Minnie: "..."

Yuqi: " I'm going back in!"
Yuna: " No! You stay here! Wake up Woogie! He risked his life to save you, all you can do now is believe that he will make it out alive!"

Awhile later, they saw Y/N was carried out by the fireman.
Yuqi: " There he is!" They rush towards him,
Fireman: " We will be sending him to the nearest hospital."
Yuna: " Come on let's get the rental car, we drive there ourselves!"

They quickly got into the rental car and followed the ambulance.

Miyeon thought " Please be safe Y/N..."
Minnie thought " Don't you dare die..."
Yuqi thought " If you are going to heavens, let me join you..."

Soon they reached the hospital.
They followed after Y/N as he was pushed into the emergency room.
Nurse: " Please wait outside!"

Miyeon: " Please Y/N..."
Minnie: " Woogie...? You ok?"
Yuqi couldn't stand straight properly,
Yuqi: " Don't worry about me... I'm not leaving until I know his safe..."
Yuna: " You should sit on the chairs there, rest up."

After who knows how long has been,
The door opened,
Nurse: " His life safe, rest assure, the only thing is, it will take awhile for his back to heal back as he was hit pretty hard on the back."
Yuqi: " Thank you Thank you!"
Minnie: " Phew, thank god..."
Miyeon: " ..."

As they saw Y/N got pushed out towards a ward. Minnie and Yuna followed,
Miyeon: " You not coming Woogie?"
Yuqi: "..."
Miyeon: " Woogie...?"
Miyeon: " Woogie!"
Yuqi finally collapsed.

"Maybe it was my fault... I've no right to face Y/N... I was control by my emotion... if I hadn't raged at him... if I would to be more considerate and think from his perspective..."

... ...

Doctor: " Woogie's fine, she's was holding too long for her body to go any longer without medical support from the fire she was in, I'm surprised she held for that long."
Miyeon: " Thank you thank you."

Y/N bed was right beside Yuqi's.
Yuna: " Look at this 2..."
Minnie: " Miyeon..."
Miyeon: "Yeah...?"
Minnie: " Are you thinking about the same thing as me?"
Miyeon: " I think so...? What do you have in mind...?"
Yuna read both their minds,
Yuna: " Why not just let him choose after? I'm pretty sure he has a choice already."
Minnie: " Yeah about that, we clearly know his choice."
Miyeon: " There's no doubt."
Minnie: " So instead of letting him tell us, and hurting us again, we can just let them be and look for our own future..."
Miyeon: " Mmhm..."
There's nothing Yuna can say, it's true, she stated long ago, Love will never be fair.

Yuna: " Well at the very least, don't you wanna just chat with Y/N the final time?"
Minnie: " As much as we want to, it will just hurt us more..."
Miyeon: " Maybe in future, when we moved on from Y/N and found the right guy who love us, we can come back to be friends with him again..."
Y/N: " Yah..."
Minnie: " Y/N?! You are awake already?"
Y/N: " I'm fine... how's Woogie?"
They pointed to his side,
Y/N smiled: " Cute..."

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