Chapter 37: Taken

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(A/n: As you know, I don't really go by the actual cannon stuff of the DreamSMP, so yeah. This is gonna be completely off of the actual story line. Art isn't mine, and enjoy!)

                                                                          ~Dream's POV~

After doomsday, Y/n was extremely tired almost all the time.

Dream guessed that being controlled by DreamXD took a lot of power and energy out of her.

But at the moment, Dream needed to be somewhere.

He opened the Ender chest that was placed on the side of the room, and pulled out the axe of Peace.

Somehow, someway, if it got fucked up and something happened to him, he knew Y/n would most likely be all alone.

Right now, Y/n was sleeping on the couch. He had chuckled at himself when he watched her crash there and fall asleep.

He watched as her chest rose and fell, her peaceful expression while she was sleeping made Dream smile.

He decided to leave a small note for her when she woke up.

Dear Y/n,
I know it's stupid to write this letter, but whatever, here it is.
I'm out doing something right now if I'm not there at base with you.
If something happens to me, and I'm not back in a couple of days and you're still tired a lot, please don't look for me. Only ever look for me when you're feeling better.
But other than that, get some rest and feel better. I love you, princess.

He set the letter on the table, and walked out the door, hoping that nothing would happen to him so that he could make it back to Y/n safely.

He looked back at Y/n, watching her for a fraction of a second, praying to XD that he would make it back, and keep her safe.

He walked out, and into the forest.

The dimly lit forest illuminated the bright shadow-like cast of the moon, watching him, stalking him, waiting for his next move.

As he walked, he knew someone was close to him.

He stopped, looking around at his surroundings.

"I know you're there, come out. Now." Dream hissed.

                                                                    ~Tommy's POV~

Shit shit shit, how did he know I was here?! Tommy cursed to himself, trying to conceal himself in the bushes.

Tommy tried to back away from his spot slowly, but of course, he stepped on a twig, emitting a loud 'crack'.

"Well I'm fucked." Tommy whispered.

Footsteps came closer, and closer, each one sounding more violent then the last. (A/n: Don't ask me how you can hear feelings of footsteps. Let me write this book in peace.)

C'mon Tubbo, where are you? Dream is gonna kill me! Tommy braced for what was going to appear as his last days here.

Dream now appeared in his line of sight, him standing inches away from Tommy.

"What are you doing here. Shouldn't you be back at Logstedshire?" Dream said, tone full of anger.

"Ahaha, Dream! My buddy! H-how are ya big fella?" Tommy fumbled at his words.

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