Chapter 32: Awakening: Part Two

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(A/n: Poor green blob boi. Anyway, here's part two to chapter 33! Also, thank you guys for 30.9k reads! You guys are awesome! Also, I added something that's hopefully happy ^^)


"So, what's new?"

                                                                      ~Y/n POV~

"What's new?! What do you mean, 'What's new'?! You being right here is new!" Sapnap shouts.

"Sap, shush, you'll wake up Dream." George crosses his arms at Sapnap.

"Sorry," Sapnap mutters.

That's right, I wanted to see Dream. She says to herself.

"Do you guys know where Dream is?" Y/n asks.

"He's.. Sleeping. He's probably going to be out for awhile." George says.

"Oh, okay. I'll go outside, I guess." Y/n said, and she managed to walk out of the base without falling.

"Y/n! I've been looking for you!" A voice calls to Y/n.

"Karl?" She asks.

"Yes! It's me! I'm so happy you remember me! You forgot Cody." Karl laughs.

"Who's Cody?" She asks confused.

"Cody!" Karl calls.

Running out of the woods, comes a Black Labrador.

"It's Cody! Your Black Labrador! Dream got him for you as a thank you gift for saving him after Techno went berserk." Karl giggled.

And holy shit was it was love at first sight.

Cody ran up to Y/n and his tail went crazy.

"Hi Cody! Aren't you a cutie?" She cooed.

Y/n sat down to pet Cody, but then was bombarded by kisses from him.

"Ahahaha! Cody!" Y/n laughed.

                                                                               ~Dream's POV~

Once again, he woke up in a cold sweat.

He got up off of his bed.

How'd he even get there? Maybe it was George or Sapnap.

He looked at himself in the mirror.

His blonde hair was matted, his eyes were puffy from all his crying, his cheeks were a slight pink color and they were tear stained. He noticed the puff on his eyes had gone down, but he could still he the black circles under them.

He sighed.

How long had he been in this state?

He wasn't sure.

Without Y/n, he had lost track of time.

He didn't even know what day it is.

He went over to his bathroom, and decided it would be best to freshen up.

When he was done, he put on his mask.

He starts to hear distant voices.

"Ahahaha! Cody!" He heard a voice say.

He knew that voice.

It was Y/n.

But who was Cody?

Dream walked out of the base, not caring if George or Sapnap saw him.

He started getting closer and closer to the voice.

There in the distance, was Y/n.

"Y/N!" He called out, and to XD did he pray this wasn't a dream. (A/n: Wink wink lol jk)

Y/n looked in his direction, and she ran.

Not from him like in his nightmares, but to him.

Y/n was running so fast that when they came into a hug, they fell to the ground.

Dream didn't care if he was on the ground.

What he cared about was Y/n being right here, right now, in his arms.

He heard barking.

Y/n giggled.

"C'mon, Cody!" She said.

He still didn't know who Cody was.

Then, he sees a Black Labrador licking Y/n's cheek.

Y/n giggled again.

"Hi Cody." She smiled.

So that was Cody.

A Black Labrador.

Guess I'll have to protect the dog from Sapnap.

"Thank you for bringing Cody, Karl." Y/n said.

"It was my pleasure." The unknown voice said.

Dream heard footsteps fading away.

Guess he walked away.

Dream noticed that Y/n was slowly talking off his mask.

Dream sighed.

"Go ahead."

He saw Y/n's face light up, and she took off his mask.

He looked better after that shower he took not too long ago.

He felt her hand on his cheek, and then another.

Y/n was now cupping his face in her hands.

He never wanted this to end.

Her touch, her smile, her voice.. Everything. He loved it.

Just any interaction with her would make him melt.

And oh the things he wanted to do to absolutely ruin her.

He was cut short from his thoughts when he felt soft lips against his.

It was Y/n.

Just because of the current situation would he let Y/n be on top of him.

But he wouldn't let it slide for anything else.

He put his hands on Y/n's side's.

He felt Y/n put her head in the crook of his neck.

He already missed how soft her lips were.

"Dream?" She asked.

Dream hummed in response.

"I love you." She said.

(A/n: Dream.exe has stopped responding LMAO)

He smiled.

"I love you too, princess." He said, and kissed her head.

(A/n: Hi guys! This chapter was a little sad and happy, but I hope you guys liked this chapter! Also, I created a Google Classroom where I've been posting little sneak peeks of another fanfiction I've been working on. Code is: j4g7jd2
Have a good day or night!)

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