Chapter 1: The Beginning

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                                                                                       ~Y/n POV~

It all started when I was 10. I was happy. My wings and halo always were white and pure.

Until one day..

"Mommy! Mommy! Look what I can do!" Y/n said when she had figured out how to do a cartwheel.

"You're getting a lot better at that. Your father will be impressed." Y/n's mother praised.

"Do you really think so?" Y/n knew her father was a hard man to impress, so if she impressed him, it would make Y/n feel amazing.

"I truly think so, love" Y/n's mother said, as then she picked up Y/n and spun her around in a circle while Y/n giggled.

                                                                              ~Time skip; At night~

Y/n felt like something was wrong, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Then, she smelled smoke.

"Mommy? What's going on? Why do I smell smoke?" Y/n asked.

"Y/n, sweetie, you have to run. The village is on fire and I need to get your brother. I love you so, so much. You need to run, now." Y/n's mother had said to her, so she ran. After days of running, she ended up at a house. She heard someone talking.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Y/n squeaked.

After a few seconds, Y/n's vision was becoming blurry.

After what felt like years, she saw a man running towards her. She didn't get a good look at him because she passed out due to exhaustion, dehydration, lack of food, and hypothermia.

                                                                             ~Techno's POV~

"Save her?.."



"Is it hurt?"

"Doesn't look dangerous.."

"Keep your guard up."

"Help it."

The voices said to him.

Techno sighed, and picked up the child in the snow, and carried her to his house.

Now, he waited for her to wake up.

(A/n: Hello! Sorry this chapter was short! I hope you liked it!)

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