Chapter 20: Arguments Cause Fights

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(A/n: HAHAHAHA I CAN'T EVEN WITH THIS ART!! IT'S SO FUNNY XD!!! But, if you are the artist and would like me to take it down, please message me, and I will gladly do so. Anyways, enjoy!) 


"Holy shit, Y/n. Your going to nail your singing part at the festival!"



                                                           ~Tommy's POV~

I shouldn't have said that.. I should NOT have said that.. Tommy said to himself.

"Uh, hey Y/n," Tommy said, dragging out the "hey".

I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Oh, I'm so fucking dead. He yelled at himself.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well, we were supposed to train after Fundy said Tubbo was okay, and when I was talking to Tubbo, you didn't come to tell me to train, instead you just kind of walked by us, and you looked really pissed off, so I went to go check on you, and then you just.. I dunno.. Started to sing?" Tommy explained.

                                                                                 ~Y/n POV~

Y/n sighed. Tommy was right, she was pissed off at that time. She was pissed off because Dream and Wilbur couldn't settle things like real men could, instead they continued to bicker over the slightest things like siblings who argue over small things.
(A/n: Honestly, mood. I have a little brother, and we sometimes argue about small things. One time, we had a huge argument about who's a pencil belonged to. It was so dumb XD. In the end, I stole the pencil. I still have the pencil stashed where I hid it LMAO.Everybody forgot about the pencil XD)

"Yeah, I was pissed off. I'm sorry about that, Tommy," Y/n apologized to Tommy.

"It's fine, I know how you feel when you get pissed off, you just need to do something to let out your anger so that you don't keep it in and do something you might regret," Tommy said.

Y/n was shocked at how right Tommy was. Usually he would act as if he was a twelve year old child, but this time, he acted as if he was really sixteen, maybe acting older. She was proud of him.

"Yeah, you're right. Singing is something I do to cope with stress when I'm upset. It makes me forget about all my problems and worries when I sing. Everything just.. Disappears when I sing. It's calming when you think about it," Y/n said, and looked at Tommy. She smiled. 

 "I think we should go back to L'manburg now. Ya know, to train?" Tommy said, laughing a little. 

 "Yeah, let's go do that," Y/n agreed. 

When Y/n and Tommy came back, Dream and Wilbur were not even arguing, they were just shouting at each other, and then.. All hell broke free. 

Dream had gotten his axe out, and now held it to Wilbur's throat. Both sides were fighting each other. Y/n grabbed Tommy's sword from his belt (or whatever it is. A sheath? I dunno.) that he carried with him. She ran over to Dream and kicked his side. Dream looked at her with a shocked expression. 

 "Don't. Touch. Wilbur," Y/n said coldly. 

She then proceeded to take down George, Sapnap, and Punz who were fighting Fundy, Tubbo, and Ranboo. (Pretend he's there, okay? ;-;) 

She huffed, and walked over to Wilbur. She held out her hand, and he accepted it. She pulled him up, and she walked over to Tommy. She grabbed his wrist and dragged him with her, leaving behind a confused Wilbur, and some shocked faces.. 

(A/n: HELLO!!! I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING LATELY!! I'll be trying to work on the next chapter when I have time and it's 3:50 am where I live. Have a good day or night, thank you for voting and following me for the people who have done so! Byeeeeee!) 

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