Attention Readers! Please Read, It's Important!

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Hello everyone! I'm here to announce that there will only be a couple more chapters here to Stolen.

But no need to worry, there's going to be a sequel! Thank you all for the support, I really didn't think it would make it this far.

Also, once I've finished this book, I'll be publishing a new book I've been working on. For those who haven't joined the Goggle Classroom I created, the book I've been working on is called,

The Girl in Blue

I feel very happy about how the book is turning out so far, and I think you guys will like it. I will post an announcement on my conversations tab and announce when it's out.

Honestly, this book was not planned out very well, and I was basically making this as a joke to my friend, but I kept going from the lovely comments and people.

I've gotten so much better at writing and making dialogue from this, so I feel the book I'm working on, and the sequel will probably be so much better than this.

Thank you all for the followers!

Big shout outs to:

Silverwing414, plshavesomeblue, naomi_7979, Moon_Bows, Grim_Reaper03, Yasahi_Karitori,

Zuziwastaken, ClearlyyKate, SmilesDontExist, Froggo_The_Frog, JaydeMalfoy, Quagmarine_,

bun_ii, simp4mcty, faith231110, Sarah_g3, Rinny0316, Moon_was_stolen, bambi2080,

stephaniejessie61, Kosmiczergs, Kylie3132394, Puppylover6362, Dark_Drizzle,

Aria_Winter_WolfFox, Box_Like_A_Fish, Wolfbananas, -MAKKI0_CHAN-, Axel3183,

Zoeycarlson02, and skylerrye1!!!!!!!

These are all my followers (Except two, who are my alt accounts)

I love you all, and thank you guys!!!!!

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