Chapter 39: Break Out

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(A/n: We're almost done, so get ready for the ending. It's probably gonna be bad, but whatever, I'll finally have my first finished fanfic lol)   

Trigger Warning: Blood, death (Three cannon deaths)
Note: They aren't actual cannon deaths

                                                  {3 months later}

                                                    ~Y/n POV~

Y/n couldn't go outside, she just simply couldn't.

Whenever she did, memories of her and Dream would fill her head.

It was so painful.

She couldn't stand it anymore. She needed Dream back.

She finally got off her bed, grabbing her needed items.

A Netherite Pickaxe, potions of Invisibility, water, armor, an ender chest, shields, flint and steel, blocks, and ender pearls. She also grabbed a Netherite Axe along with her Netherite sword just in case.

She waited for night to fall, and once it did, she wasted no time moving to the prison.

She flew silently, making sure no one was following her, and that no one could see her.

She walked into the Nether Portal, walking out and then back in.

Once she was in the prison, she made her way to Sam, putting on her Netherite armor.

                                                          ~Sam's POV~

Sam was a light sleeper. He had to be because he knew something could happen at any given time, and he had to be prepared for anything.

The feel of the air changed in his mind.

Someone was here in the room.

Sam opened his eyes and looked around the room, but there wasn't anything there.

In the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow that didn't belong.

He grabbed his Netherite sword, now ready for battle.

"I see you. Come out, now." Sam said, narrowing his eyes at the shadow.

The unknown figure stepped out of the shadows.

Large black wings, soul piercing (e/c) eyes, long/short (h/c) hair.

He stared at the figure for a moment.

Sam knew that she was familiar, but he just couldn't put his finger on the name.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." They said.

Wait a minute.. I know that voice. He said to himself.

It was Y/n.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"I'm here to see Dream." Y/n said.

"Visiting hours are over." He replied firmly.

"I said, I'm here to see Dream." Y/n repeated, raising her voice.

"And I said visiting hours are over." Sam said.

"I don't give a shit about visiting hours." She hissed.

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