Chapter 23: Hidden

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(A/n: This art is SO cuteeeee! But, if your the artist and would like me to take it down, please message me, and I will do so. Anyways, enjoy!)

                                                                                      ~Dream's POV~

Y/n has been out for a couple of hours.

Ever since her sudden breakdown, she's been asleep on his lap, and he hasn't moved since.

He let out a small sigh. He started playing with Y/n's silky h/c hair. He looked at the sky. It was a clear day, there were no clouds, and there weren't many birds in the sky today.

It was a nice day, too bad it wasn't a nice day for Y/n. His legs were getting slightly sore from sitting down, but he refuses to move. After five minutes, she starts to move.

After she had finally stirred awake, her e/c eyes met Dream's mask. He looked at her eyes carefully. They were beautiful. He smiled.

"Sorry that I fell asleep on you," Y/n apologized.

"It's fine, you're just having a tough day. Here's the thing though, how are you going to make it back to L'manburg knowing Schlatt's there?" Dream asked.

"I'm not going back to L'manburg today. I'll stay with Techno and Phil. Do you have a horse I could borrow?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah. Let's go back to base."

Y/n got off of Dream and stretched. Her wings extended as far as they could go, and Dream watched. He was amazed how far they could reach. He got up, and stretched out his legs, and they began to walk back to base.

                                                                                ~Y/n POV~

Y/n and Dream had eventually ended up at the base, and he had let her borrow a horse, Raven. (A/n: Look, I don't know if they have any horses, alright? I don't know much about the SMP, get all my knowledge from Silverwing414, aka my friend.)

"Thanks! I'll return Raven when I come back." Y/n assured Dream.

"Alright. Have fun with Techno and Phil, I guess." Dream shrugged.

"I'll just mainly be sparring with Techno. I guess that's fun for me. It's fun to get to beat the shit outta him sometimes." Y/n laughed, and Dream only stood there, fascinated how she could have been trained by him. She seems so nice, but when in battle, she'll take down anyone in a matter of seconds.

"See you in a couple of days, Dream." Y/n walked over to Raven, and took her out of her pen. She led Raven outside and to the woods.

(A/n: In this part that I describe, I know a lot about horses, so the terms I use will be terms that are used with horses and stuff. I know some of these terms may look sexual, but they are not. I see you, simps and weirdos. ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖) Caught in 4k. ANYWAY-)

She tightened the saddle on Raven, and mounted her. She took the reigns and wrapped them around her hands. She put her black combat boots inside the stirrups and she squeezed the sides of Raven slightly, and she started in a trot. Y/n squeezed harder and off Raven went into a gallop.

                                                                     ~Time skip; 20 minutes later~

After 20 minutes, Y/n had finally arrived. Y/n took some apples out of her inventory and gave them to Raven.

"Thanks for helping me get here, girl" Y/n said to Raven as she ate the apples. Raven only neighed as a response. Y/n put Raven in the pen with Carl. She closed the pen and walked over and knocked on the door. Some shuffling could be heard inside, but after thirty seconds of waiting, Phil opened the door, and smiled to see his sister again.

"Hey Phil! Is Techno home? I wanted to ask him a question," Y/n asked Phil.

"Yeah, he's here. He's just at his potato farm at the moment." Phil told Y/n.

"Okay, thank you, Phil!"

"Anytime, Y/n!"

Y/n walked off the porch, and started walking to Techno's potato farm. When she arrived, she could see him trying to grab the last potato sack, but it was just out of his reach.

"Need some help?" Y/n asked.

Techno looked up, surprised that Y/n was here, but he smiled, and nodded. Y/n walked over to the last sack, and she picked it up. On the way back, Y/n remembered her question she had.

"Hey, Techno? Can I ask you something?" Y/n asked.

Techno nodded, so she went on with her question.

"Can I stay at your place for today?" Y/n hoped he would say yes.

"Why?" Techno asked.

"Schlatt's at L'manburg.." 


                                                                       ~Wilbur's POV (First person POV)~

Y/n is getting married to Schlatt? She didn't tell me!

"That's great! I'm so glad you guys found each other!" I say happily.

"Yeah, It's just a shame she's not here to see me right now. I'll do so many great things for this country!" Schlatt said enthusiastically.

"Y'know, Y/n never told me she was getting married to you. I don't understand why that is.." I said, confused of this.

Why didn't she tell me? Schlatt's such a good person, why would she keep it a secret? My mind was racing with thoughts, until Schlatt interrupted them.

"She knew that you guys were super stressed on the war, so she didn't want to put more pressure on you guys to keep her safe because she's getting married to me," Schlatt informed me.

He did have a point. A lot of us have been stressed out by the war and getting independence for L'manburg. It would only make sense on that. Y/n is also a great fighter, so if we're protecting her, it would put more stress on us just to keep her in our sights so that she wouldn't get hurt or something like that.

"Do you know when the wedding is?" I ask.

"Well, I was thinking after the election n' shit we could do it. That sound good my dear friend?" Schlatt asked.

"Yeah, of course! The election is coming up anyway, so it's great timing!" I reply, smiling.

The election is in three days! This is going to be cut close. I say to myself..

(A/n: Hiiiii! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating a lot! I've been so busy with school work! I won't be able to update tomorrow because it's my mom's birthday tomorrow. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Byeeeeee!)

Me rn:

Me rn:

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