Chapter 4: You're New

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(Editing Note: Because HOLY SHIT have I been having address thing A FUCK TON, Y/n is A YEAR YOUNGER THAN DREAM. PLEASE STOP COMMENTING ABOUT IT NOW THAT I HAVE THIS, It's starting to make me upset. Thank you.)                                                                              

                                                                              ~Y/n POV~

The man said nothing. He looked.. Surprised?

"I'll ask you again. Who are you, and what do you want?" Y/n said. She was losing her patience with this man, and she didn't even know who he was! Y/n started to push the Diamond sword closer and closer towards his neck. She wasn't trying to kill him, but she was trying to scare him so that he would speak.

                                                                                   ~Dream's POV~

Holy shit.  Dream thought. Now that he had gotten closer to the girl, he could see that she was even more beautiful up close than from afar.

"I'll ask you again. Who are you, and what do you want?" The girl said. When she asked him the first time, it didn't render in his brain that she was speaking to his because he was so focused on her features.

So far, he could see her beautiful e/c eyes, her long h/c hair (A/n: If you have short hair, sorry. Also, e/c means eye color and h/c means hair color) that was waving in the wind, and the most interesting thing he saw was that she had wings and a halo. Her halo was a yellow color, but her wings were looked as if they were turning a gray color. She had some freckles on her face, which made her even more cute. He finally snapped back into reality when he felt the blade of the Diamond sword inching closer and closer to his neck.

"Oh, uh, my name is Dream."

                                                                            ~Y/n POV~

Dream? What kind of name is Dream?  Y/n thought.

"Alright.. Dream. What do you want?"

"You to join my SMP" Dream said with a smirk creeping up his face. Her face heated up and she tried sounding as imitating as possible

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't cut your throat right this instant." Y/n whispered into Dream's ear.

"Because I know where your brother is."

Y/n immediately backed away from Dream.

"W-what?" Y/n stuttered.

"Your brother. I know where he his." Dream spoke, unfazed from what was going on.

"Bullshit. He's dead."

"No, he's quite alive, actually. You can see him if you'd like."

"Fuck off."

"Y/n! I have the enchantments on the sword. Where are you?" Technoblade started to walk outside

"Dream, if he see's you with me, you're dead. I advise you to hide." Y/n warned.

Dream drank an invisibility potion and within seconds, he disappeared.

"Y/n? What are you doing out here?" Techno asked.

"Oh, uh, I saw some Arctic Foxes and I wanted to get a close look at it. That's all." Y/n was hoping that he would buy it, and surprisingly, he did.

"Oh, alright. Just get inside before you get sick. Don't need you getting sick before your great adventure now do we?" Techno gave Y/n a small smile, which was very rare for him to smile.

                                                                          ~Dream's POV~

Big Adventure?  What does Techno mean by big adventure? Where is she going?  Dream sighed, knowing that he wouldn't be able to follow her because it would worry Sapnap and George.

Dream started to walk back into the forest when he saw someone he didn't expect to see; Wilbur Soot.

Dream got behind a tree and drank some milk. He started to approach Wilbur as if nothing was going on.

"Wilbur. What do I owe the pleasure of seeing the Wilbur Soot in person?" Dream sarcastically said.

"Dream. Has anyone new joined your SMP? For say.. A girl?" Wilbur asked. To Dream, Wilbur sounded pissed off.

"Nope. Nobody new. It's always just been Sapnap, George and I" Dream stated.

"Cut the bullshit, Dream. You know who I'm talking about. She stole something very important to L'manburg. Just tell me where she is, give me my fucking sword back, and I'll be on my way." Wilbur snapped.

"Listen Wilbur, I just asked her to join my SMP not even 15 minutes ago, but she declined. I wish she would've joined because she looks like a great thief and spy." Dream said and shrugged.

"Whatever." Wilbur said and walked away. He started to walk back to the base and met up with Sapnap and George, who had just finished patrol.

"Why are these woods so fucking big?" Sapnap complained

"Not as big as your ego" George said.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Sapnap shrieked at George.

"Dream, you good?" George asked.

Dream was currently thinking of where Y/n was going to go tomorrow.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." Dream said, his cheeks going a little red.

"Ooo, Dream, you like somebody, don't you?" George said and laughed.

Did he? Or was he just overheating from his cloak?

"No." Dream said and started to walk to the base.

"I call bullshit." George said from quite a distance.

"Fuck you!" Dream yelled at George.

"You wish!" George yelled back .

They both started laughing and went inside.

(A/n: Well that took a turn :I)

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