xxxtentacion- Cheater

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Y'all I been watching Steve Wilkos for like 2 hours so here I am.

1043 words

"Samara, why are you here today?" Steve asks, looking me in my eyes.

"Well, I'm here because I think my boyfriend is cheating. We been together for 6 years, we have a 2 year old baby girl."

"Why do you think he's cheating?"

"He cheated before, when he had been together for about a year and a half. With his ex, she texted me and was telling me like 'oh I'm his favorite ex he still loves me and we broke up like 8 years ago but we've always talked'" the audience ouu's as I speak.

"Why did you stay though Samara?"

"He begged me. He promised and swore up and down that it wasn't gonna happen again, he wasn't gonna keep talking to her."

"He begged you to stay?"

"Yes. He said he was scared to lose me, and just really wanted me to stay"

"So where does his best friend come in?"

"Um Jahseh and Stokeley who are rappers, when Jahseh is gone for touring or shows Stokeley is there and helps me with the baby and even asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Can we bring Jahseh out here?"

Jahseh comes out, looking uncomfortable. He hugs me and stands next to the other chair.

"So can you tell me about your relationship with Samara?"

"Like she said, we have a 2 year old baby girl, we been together for 6 1/2 years. Uh, I did cheat about 2 years in. It was dumb of me, and realizing that she was gonna leave really did hurt, that's why I begged her to stay. I'm not ashamed to say I begged."

"What about the baby? Are you involved with her?"

"Of course I am. That's my baby, my princess. I love that girl with all my heart, she and Samara have my whole heart." Jahseh then looks like he's about to cry.

"Can someone please bring Jamai out?" Steve calls and the audience cheers.

A women come out, carrying my baby in her arms.

"MaiMai. Hey baby" Jahseh starts to cry as he cuddles her.

"Dada. Wuv my dada" she mumbles as she kisses his cheek. The audience aww's and standing to clap.

"So Jahseh do you feel like your friend Stokeley has to do with your relationship with Samara to be failing?"

"No. Stokeley is- I don't know actually. I feel like if he is then Samara is wrong for leading me along."

"Why would he be the reason Jahseh? I told you if you wanna do snake shit then I'll leave. I'll take Jamai and I'll go and if I decide to be with Stokeley because YOUR cheating then that's what I'll do" I snap at him. A woman comes and takes Jamai backstage.

"Lets bring Stokeley out."

"Man why you mad because your girl trusts me more than you. Samara has to ask me 'Hey is Jahseh okay? Does he have any girl around him?'"

"That's not my fault! If she's insecure than that's on her!" Jahseh yells back.

"You cheated! Your favorite fuckin ex right! Who knows if you still talk to Taylor?! Shut the fuck up because you don't know what you have Samara could have cheated with me because I asked her too!" Steve's mouth dropped open.

"Vro whatchu just say?" He charges at him, two big men come and stand between the two. "He asked you to cheat on me with him Samara?!"

I don't say anything. I just stand there making eye contact with Jahseh. I feel like my silence and I contact say everything that needs to be said, because the next thing you know he's trying to charge at Stokeley once again.

"Can you stop being ridiculous!" I scream at him. "You literally cheated on me and now that you're mad because your best friend tried to get revenge for me? How about you just be a better boyfriend and a better father because if you cheating on me then technically you're cheating on Jamai too!" Suddenly I'm beyond angry, this unnecessary fighting and his unnecessary anger towards Stokeley is getting irritating. We're here to find out if he's still cheating on me or not and if so that I will be leaving with Stokeley.

"Are you guys ready for the lie detector test results?" Steve asks, the paper already in his hand. The same two big men come and sit Jahseh down. They watch him carefully because he's still eyeing Stokes.

"We asked Jahseh 'since the birth of your two-year-old daughter, have you had sexual relationships with any other female other than Samara? He answered no,

Other than the one woman that Samara knows you cheated on her with, has there been any other woman since you and Samara started dating? He answered no,

Other than your ex Taylor, have you kept in contact with any of your exes while you and Samara have been dating? Again, he answered no

Samara, Jahseh did not tell the truth."

Everyone starts to boo as he stands and tries to hug me.

"Don't fucking touch me." I snap, cursing under my breath as I pushed him away.

"Samara take a lie detector test as well

We asked her, other than Jahseh how you been involved with any other man during the time you two would have been dating? She answered no

Have you ever cheated on Jahseh with any other man while you two have been together? She answered no

Have you ever hooked up with Stokeley as a way to get revenge on Jahseh for cheating? She answered no.

Samara, told the truth."

I just roll my eyes.

"I'm leaving. This is over. You are such a fuckin whore you can't even stop for your baby? Fuck you bruh. I'll let you see Jamai but we're not living with you." I walk off stage, going to the backroom to be with my baby.

"Mommy! Hi mommy!" She hugs my legs as I walk in. Stokeley comes in behind me.

"I'll give you a shot okay?" I say, not making eye contact. I see the smile on his face though.

"Okay...thank you Mara"

"No problem."

Ugh this is trash but wtv

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