New Professor

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Author note:- Hi, again readers. Happy to meet you again. Well, I hope you like what you read here. And don't forget to support here. And comment also. Your comments motivates a writer. And for a writer. His or her reader's love is very important for survival. So, don't forget to show your love❤😉

Monday was like all the other boring Mondays.

Nothing too exciting to make anyone any happy. Classes were going as usual. Arya was again doing her daily chore which was staring out of the window without moving a bit of any part of her body. Everything was normal.

But gradually her eyelids were started feeling burdened. She was drowsy but she refused to look anywhere except the outside of window.

She didn't even know when her drowsiness fainted her to sleep. And her head went to the desk by its own and she lost herself in her dream land. She was sleeping peacefully breathing with slightly deep breaths.

She was looking just like a beautiful painting of an Artist because even in her sleep, she had that blank, emotionless face like a painting which could never change.

The clock was striking and it was as the time for the last class and the new professor.

Nobody, was looking much interested. They knew another old men was going to come and make their life a bit more boring.

On the other hand, He was standing in front of the Mirror in Staff Bathroom adjusting his tie and setting his hair,"Don't worry, You got this. Don't need to be nervous. You have done this before."

He uttered to himself assuring himself everything would be great. "But what if they made fun of me for my age. Or denied to treat me as their Professor."

He thought to himself looking at his reflection in nervousness. "Nah! It won't be happening. I am not as old as other professors here. But, I am at least 8 years older than all of students or maybe 5." He said to himself and tried to smile.

"Just remember, I am here to make myself the best teacher who will not only be their Professor but also make them fall in love with studies and bring a smile on their faces. Studies can be stressful. But, I will make it easy for them. I won't let them feel burdened and do my best for them." He said to himself and smiled genuinely at his reflection and then looked at his watch and gasped, "Oh No! It's already the time and I am their Professor if I will be late. What would they think of me? What kind of Professor I am?" and he ran towards his class.

He stopped outside the room just in time. And took a deep breath. And then with a smile he entered the class.

The class that was busy at chatting and making all their usual loud noises of laughter and yelling became silent at his arrival.

All eyes shifted to this stranger who was looking so formal and elegant. Everyone wonder who he was? Perhaps a new student. They were looking at him with curiosity for him to speak. He smiled at everyone.

"Hello Everyone, let me introduce myself. I am Riyansh, your new professor. And your friend who will help you with studies. I hope you all support me." He said looking at them with a kind expression and a proud smile.

Whole class stood up with its jaws hung in the air. He was quite the opposite of what they thought?

Some female students were blushing at the sight of him. While male students blinking their eyes in astonishment. He chuckled at their astonishment and said, "I know I may look young but believe me. That will help me connect with you all in better way. And a change is good. Isn't it?"

Girls who couldn't take their eyes off from him nodded their head with a stupid grin. And that made him chuckled a bit more. He looked at the whole class with a kind and a powerful expression. When his eyes landed on her. In the third row, near the window on the last corner bench.

A girl was lying with her head on her desk while the whole class was standing to greet him, who was she he didn't know? Obviously a student but was she sleeping in the middle of the class? He wanted to know. So, he went to her and his eyes met with her face.

She was sleeping without the care of the world. He glanced at her for two minutes to wake her up yet she didn't wake up. She was so deep in the slumber.
But in those two minutes he also could not help himself to not notice that her face was looking a bit weird. He could see that her face was expression less.

She was looking innocent yet a bit mysterious too.

She was sleeping peacefully in the middle of the class but her face wasn't looking satisfied with her sleep. It was as if she was tired even in her sleep.

It was looking as if she was not sleeping because of drowsiness but to hide something or to hide herself from the world.

Now, he tried to wake her up.
"Miss..."He uttered and looked at the class for her name.

"It's Arya, Sir." Someone said, and he thanked the guy.

He looked at her again and asked in a polite tone, "Miss Arya, wake up. Would you? It's time for class, Miss Arya, Miss Arya wake up." But she didn't, she was frozen in her slumber.

He called her again and there was no movement from her. "Is she alright? what if she has been fainted I have to check." He thought to himself.

He called her name again and reached to touch her hand to check if she was okay. His fingers had just brushed her finger a little yet it made her woke up so suddenly with a strange terror panging in her heart that she bumped herself in the wall behind her and her chair. It happened so fast that he could not understand what just happened?

She, who wasn't waking up with so many calls how she just suddenly banged herself in the wall with a slightest touch?

He was utterly bewildered and dumb strucked at this situation. Her hair locks were falling all over her forehead to her face in a quite messy way. And she just had a slight shiver from the fear she felt creeping in her chest a few seconds ago.

But, she realized that she didn't' need to be afraid she was just at her classroom.

She flinched in pain due to her bumping in the wall but didn't let a sigh or scream of pain from her mouth to come out yet suppressed them in her mouth.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asked her in a concerned tone.

Hearing his words she raised her head to look at him.

And for the first time she saw him. Her eyes met with his black eyes and she could see that he was asking her genuinely.

Then she looked at her classmates who were trying to stop themselves from laughing at her sudden outburst.

And she lowered her head once again in embarrassment and said, " I am fine." in a low tone.

"If you are hurt anywhere. You can tell me, okay. I will send you to the doctor." He stated again in a concerned voice while placing his hand on her shoulder to assure her.

She glanced at his hand on her shoulder and then she looked in his eyes again and said, "Okay," with a flat tone.

"Well, I am your new professor, Arya. And as a professor I must tell you.

Sleeping in class will make you lose important things in life, Okay" He stated while she nodded her head like a Robot.

She was the kind of a person who spoke only a few word in the whole day. She mostly used the blink of her eyes as yes and nod her head for no. She would not say anything to you but would glance in your eyes with a void look. Her eyes were dull with nothing in them.

She preferred to not say anything like her lips were stitched within silence and her silence could make anyone anxious including the new professor.

He felt he was talking to a staring mannequin because of her lack of interest in any he said. So, he didn't say anything else.

So, he just went to back to his desk back and started teaching. But quite a few times he caught glances of her staring out of the window.

But he did not bother much to say anything to her or ask anything. Because he already had said enough. So, he let it slid for today. And started teaching. But still, there was something about her that made him curious to know more about her.

To be continued...

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