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*we see an older izuku tossing and turning in his bed sweating profusely*

Izuku:STOP IT!!!

*izuku woke up jumping breathing heavily as he looked around scared seeing his room and nobody but himself in the mirror he took a few deep breaths and sat on the bed*

Izuku:why can't you leave my head...

*izuku muttered bitterly to himself as his hands started shaking a bit in pain izuku grabbed a bottle and took some pills*

Izuku:it's's're out...they can't find you..they can't hurt you..she can't hurt you..

*izuku repeated to himself before getting up and going to the bathroom he did his routine took a shower brushed his teeth brushed his still unkept hair and he got dressed he sat on the bed and puts on the radio as he ties his shoes*

Radio: in other news the pro hero creati last night saved a bus full of children with her quick thinking and...

*izuku grabbed the radio and threw it at the wall breaking it*

Izuku:every day with the hero bullshit..

*izuku takes a cigarette puts it in his mouth and starts to smoke as he looked himself in the mirror*

*izuku takes a cigarette puts it in his mouth and starts to smoke as he looked himself in the mirror*

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*he touched the scar that was on his eyebrow remembering that day*

Izuku:....stop thinking about it just go to work..

*izuku got up and cleaned the pieces of the broken radio putting it in the trash before grabbing another one from the closet and putting it in its place*

Izuku:ok..time to start the day..

Meanwhile with momo

Izuku:and for my former fiance I just want to say I hope you die I hate you from the bottom of my heart

Momo:izuku I'm sorry!!!

*momo woke up jumping from her bed tears fresh on her face hyperventilating looking all around for her izuku to only find no one in her huge expensive room she grabbed a bag that was on her nightstand and started breathing into the bag until she was calmed down once she did she just hugged herself and let the tears flow naturally until her opened slowly momo looked and saw her daughter looking at her with concern*

Momo:o..oh honey! I..I..I'm sorry did I wake you up..?


*eri walked up to her mother and hugged her*

Eri:I miss him to mom..

*momo let the water works harder and hugged her daughter for who knows how long*


*we see momo driving while eri was in the back seat*

Momo:so honey exited for you're first day at UA?

Eri:yeah I can't wait! I'm gonna be the next number 1 belive it!

Momo:hehe you've been watching to much naruto dear

Eri:there is no such thing as too much naruto dattebayo!

*eri giggled with stars in her eyes as they made it to the gates eri got off*

Momo:alright have fun at you're first day call me if anything happens!

Eri:mom come on I'm aizawa's favorite neice he loves me

*momo chuckled knowing the hell that awaits her daughter eri got out of the car and started walking inside with momo looking at her one more time*

*momo chuckled knowing the hell that awaits her daughter eri got out of the car and started walking inside with momo looking at her one more time*

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Momo:10 years flow by so fast..

*momo got sad again thinking of him*

Momo"he missed 10 years of her life because of us.."

*momo sighed sadly and drove off to work momo yaoyorozu was a smart woman. She was well versed in politics, business law, both national and international, business accounting, business management, business administration; she had passed all of her classes with the highest grades. And was one of the top 10 pro heroes she was a very intelligent woman but One area of knowledge that was however lacking was cars. Momo's knowledge of cars was thus.*

"The key went in the ignition, and you drove."

*But that said it was a piece of knowledge she had never seen a use for. Until today as car made an odd noise she'd never heard before when she started it up but she chucked it up to something inconsequential that she'd probably heard and disregarded a thousand times before. As she pulled into the highway the car shuddered slightly but she once again ignored it, thinking that it was just another part of how the car worked.She was half way to work when there was a loud 'bang' and her cars bonnet looked like it had been hit with jack hammer from the inside as smoke wafted up from the freshly formed gaps, the engine died and the car came to a shuddering halt about a hundred meters down the road.Needless to say the young woman was for lack of a better word; panicked.Smoke was still rising out of the engine as momo got out of her car and attempted to see what was going on. She was just about to open the bonnet when a hand reached out and grabbed her wrist. Momo yelped in shock as she pulled back, surprised to see a man a lot taller than herself looking at her. Momo took an immediate dislike to the man; while he smelt fine he looked like she hadn't showered in days all the same the man gave her a worried looked like she was about to commit the most heinous of crimes*

Izuku:yeah unless you want give yourself a nasty burn you shouldn't touch it.

*momo looked at him like she didn't believe what he was saying, so to illustrate her point the man held up a water bottle and poured a little bit of it onto the bonnet of the car. It sizzled like he was pouring it onto a hot plate.

Momo:Who are you?

*momo asked hotly, regretting it almost immediately. To his credit however the taller man acted like he didn't even care about the outright hostility momo was showing*

Izuku:I would be a mechanic I was couple of cars behind you when I saw what happened and decided to help unless of course you have a engineering degree but seeing seeing state of you're care I highly doubt that

*momo would be insulted if the car didn't make another sound making her jump a little*

Momo:y..yes...yes you're help would be most appreciated what's you're name if you don't mind me asking?

Izuku:the names izuku midoriya ma'am

*momo froze and tears immediately fell from her face*


*izuku froze only one person ever called him that and he frowned looking pissed*


*the two looked at eachoter one with longing and regret while the other with hatred and scorn once star eyed lovers now as good as strangers how did they end up like this well it all started with a mistake*

The mechanic (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now