part 26

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"Oh I came to see how things were going here, but I immediately saw that it was going great Mr. Cook."

He started laughing.

"Halfling of course, because I'm Ban. The best person in this world!"


I looked at the food and got watery teeth.
It all looked super tasty and it made me hungry.
I think he noticed it because he shoved something in my mouth and went gray.

"If you want to eat Halfling, just say so. You're the boss, at least for today." he said with a wink.

I nodded and ate the food he gave me.
I enjoyed every bite I took.
Ban's food is so delicious.
It was as if you were all eating different fairy crystals.
And believe me the crystals you can eat are delicious.
But Ban's food is just demon good.
It really is divinely delicious.

"Mhmm this is so tasty Ban..Do you have any more?"

Ban laughed and nodded.
He handed me a bowl.

"And now go, I still have many customers and you are not supposed to eat my food. Oh and by the way that green guy from a while ago is a bit further up. Maybe it's nice if you go there." said Ban.

I nodded and immediately went looking for Helbram.
And of course I saw him right away because he has green hair.
I went to him then and saw another person behind him with brown hair.
But I didn't pay much attention and just kept walking.


The green haired boy looked my way and looked very confused at first but later gave me a smile.


I went to him and gave him a hug.

"Good to see you're still there Helbram."

"Same here Y/n I was worried when you suddenly went into your demon form."

"Wait a minute did you know she was a demon?" asked a familiar voice.

"Of course I knew Harlequin, but she's not a bad demon you know. She's often risked her life for our kingdom."

I looked at the person behind Helbram and gave him a smile.

"Harlequin, we may be demons, but we are not bad people. Come to my shop after closing time and I'll tell you my story with the others. By other I mean everyone who is now working to help me. Is that good. Then you see it is in our eyes."

He looked me straight in the eye for a moment and nodded.

"That's great and Helbram don't dare be late, because you're really never on time."

Helbram laughed nervously and moved his hand behind his arm.

"Understand..." he said. "By the way, can only the two of us come, or?"

"Just do that. Meliodas is not really welcome and the same goes with Elizabeth. And Escanor and Gowther trust me even less than Harlequin here. The rest are working with me now so you don't have to ask."

Helbram nodded and Harlequin did the same, but with a lot of doubt.
I smiled and grabbed some more food Ban had prepared for.
I chatted with Helbram and sometimes Harlequin for a while and then decided to go back to work.
I went back into the store and saw Diane, Zeldris, and Merlin calmly helping everyone.
I walked over to Diane and tapped her.
She looked at me and gave me a smile.
I then looked back at the line.

"Dear people, you can now also join me." I said with a smile.

The people then quickly split into two groups.
We were busy with the customers for so long that it was already dark and therefore almost closing time.
I then decided to let people know that we were going to close.

"Dear people, we're going to close soon, so if you've found something I'll see you at the cash register in a moment. Zeldris can you pass it on to the others."

Zeldris nodded and the people sighed.
It immediately gave me a feeling that they really liked the store and I was happy about that.
It means we've done well with the store.
Zeldris came back after a few minutes and nodded at me.
He then came to the register.

"Should I help, we'll be ready even faster." he said.

"Oh Zeldris, that would be nice." I said.

He went straight to work and then suddenly there were three rows and then four because Merlin started cooperating too.
And so within minutes the lines were gone and the store was empty when it came to customers.
Ban also came in after a few minutes with two large cases with gold coins in them.
He put them down and then came to us then.
Everyone who was upstairs also came down so everyone was there.
And it was time for me to thank everyone.

"Guys I have to thank you. I couldn't have done all of this without you, so I'm very grateful to all of you. And that's why I want to ask Merlin to divide all the money equally between us. All the money that was made today. If it does, at least it wants Merlin."

Merlin smiled and snapped her finger, causing all of a sudden bags of gold coins appeared in them and were placed in front of us.
Everyone looked at me with a smile and Diane even jumped on top of me.

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