part 8

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And it seemed as if they were getting further away by the second.
But I never landed on the ground.
No, I felt something strong grab hold of me.

Y/n's .p.o.v.

"Y / n! What's wrong with you ?! Y / n !?"

I recognized the voice from thousands and knew it was Meliodas.
I am amazed how he is always there at the right time.
Like he knows I'm in danger and can save me like it's the last thing he does.
It seems he is my protector in this world.
I felt my heartbeat in my chest.
And I knew he was right for him and no one else.
Without realizing it, I regained my energy and turned and started crying on his shoulder.
I felt Meliodas stiffen and he started rubbing my back.

"Shh, I'm here now, don't worry. You're safe now .."

I started to feel a bit safer and started hugging Meliodas back.

"Meliodas ... I was scared ... I thought I-"

"MELIODAS! Let go of that fairy girl now!" the same voice screamed right through me.

I felt myself getting weaker again, but now a little less than before.
I felt Meliodas grip grow stronger and he growled at the voice.

"Leave us alone, father!" Meliodas shouted back.

The weather started to change and lightning flashes started all around us.
I saw Gloxinia and Derieri coming our way at full speed.
Meliodas let go of me while pushing me behind him to protect me.


"Dad, keep yourself out of this! She's a good person and I care about her!"

The storm was getting worse and Meliodas looked at Gloxinia and Derieri.

"Get her out of here! I'll take care of this."
He turned and then looked me straight in the eye. "And Y / n before you get another wrong idea. Elizabeth helps me stop this war that I started. And save the people who are left. So whatever you do, don't get weird ideas and stick with Zeldris and Estarossa. Your safety is the most important of all. So go with them. "

He pushed me closer and spread his wings.
He turned to me one more time and nodded to tell us to go.
Derieri grabbed my hand and Gloxinia did the same with my other hand and before I knew it we were flying away from Meliodas and the fight to come.
But I couldn't help him.
I looked back again and saw the girl from then soon fly next to him.
They were ready to attack together and there was nothing I could do.
I was not allowed to do anything.
All I could do was flee from danger because he wanted to keep me safe.
And everyone helps him with it.
The storm got worse and behind us followed violently.
I was pulled up to speed away from danger to Zeldris and Estarossa which was the biggest mistake ever.


A big white hole formed and I saw many people with black wings being sucked into it.
I felt the attraction of Derieri and Gloxinia suck into it and they immediately released me.
I watched them get sucked in, but when every person of the demon clan was sucked in except me and Meliodas the hole was not closed yet.
I looked around and had no idea what to do.
I saw a figure coming my way but it suddenly stopped
a bright light came out and a white figure appeared with a black figure.

the sin of love..   (meliodas x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin