S2 part 53

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I gave Dadxinia a hug and immediately went out at full speed.
The first thing I had in mind was to see if Elaine made it safely back to her body.
And of course I want to see my Aunt Gerhearde too.
I secretly hope to meet some other people in between.
And so I set out for the fairy kingdom.

-Y/n's .p.o.v-

During my trip to the fairy kingdom it was quiet and there were no strange setbacks that got in my way.
I honestly expected to see the battle between the groups, but I didn't notice it.
And to be honest, that's kind of weird, because only Grayroad can blow up half a kingdom on his own if he wants to.
But it's not my problem at the moment and we'll keep it that way..
Unless Madame the 'pathetic angel' gets involved, because then I will throw her again with love and pleasure against a stone or ten thousand.
Of course, it does show how nice I am at that moment, because if she's really looking for problems then there are more.
So she better stay far away from me to keep the peace.
And today it seemed that finally outside of my house arrest time it is very quiet and I have nothing to worry about.
So I decided to sing my favorite song.

- Wonderland from sounds like harmony-

🎶"I met this cat, and he said, "Son
I've got nine lives and you've got one
So make the best of this you can
'Cause nothing goes according to plan"
This cat was wise, so I took his advice
And waited for a little sunlight
I got this feeling that it might work out alright
'Cause life is a trip and it's full of misadventure
The cat in the hat has a panic attack
But it's laced with good intentions
I guess you could say we're all mad here
Life is a trip and it's been a bad year'🎶

(Here is the link https://open.spotify.com/track/6yhbb3lXkf9kUHARsnOsst?si=daf122a1441e455f )

At the end of song I arrived at the big tree of life and land where I first met Ban and walked from there to where Elaine lay last time and maybe still light if she doesn't make her way has found again.
But to my not so great surprise she wasn't lying there anymore but she was drinking tea with my aunt.
So let me annoy them again, because I'm such a nice person.

"So, you guys decided to have a tea party without me? Great..."

The two looked at me in complete amazement.

"Y/N!! What are you doing here? Weren't you under house arrest?" said Gerheade.

"Nah, it's been over for a while.. and I thought I'd come and see if Elain had arrived safely, but what I find is pure betrayal. *sniff sniff*"

"Agh, child, don't exaggerate. Elaine has only just recovered a few days and is getting used to the environment again, so be nice."

"Fine, fine I get it already, but can I still join or not?"

The two girls nodded and said nothing more.
I sat down with them and got a cup of starmint tea from Elaine with milk and a little honey.
I must say Elaine knows what tea is good and how to make it.
Every time I finished a cup she made a different kind to try.
I think I've tried over twenty different kinds of tea flavors.
And each flavor was unique in its own way.
I think we drank tea for more than six hours before I became nauseous and couldn't see any more tea.
But literally not anymore, because every time Elaine wanted to give me another cup I shook my head drastically and the two girls started laughing.
I also told them all about what had happened outside between the two groups and for some reason it didn't surprise them.
Gerheade said she'd noticed and Harlequin had come by to warn her.
This doesn't surprise me and I think this happened before Elaine woke up.
It will probably be quite a surprise to him when he sees his dead sister alive again.
But he finds out himself after all those unnecessary fights.
Still, when we talked about family, something gnawed at me and I quickly started talking about what had happened in the capital.
Since Elaine already knew a bit about it, she reacted quite calmly, but it made Gerheade steamy.

"That yellow haired minion of a pervert demon, I'm going to kill him!! Why is he taking it so lightly, Jow these are your parents??? Does he have manners?!'

"Melio and manners, small chance. I am happy that after several years I have finally stopped his boobs thingy. Like, I may miss them but we are not talking about that.. We are talking about the fact that Meliodas and manners go together not be a thing."

"Even I know this Gerheade. I even punched him in my spirit body for it."

Gerheade looked at her in surprise and sighed.

"He really is an idiot and I don't understand how you are with someone like him."

"No, ideaaa but its finee."

"If you say so n/n~"

The rest of the day passed quickly and I went back home when we finished everything.
I didn't do much the next day either.
All I did was run the shop for a day and played some chess with Dadxinia - and of course I won - but not much else happened.
Well, except for the bangs from outside.
Probably coming from those idiots that I'm still not going to get involved with.
What I'm going to be doing is today's activity, because if all goes well, Zeldris will be heading this way with Master Chandler.
And I'd be lying if I said I don't feel like seeing him.
Of course I don't know what time they are coming and I did warn Dadxinia about it and he said Merlin would take it into account when it comes to the force field.
And maybe come by with Arthur to say hello or help us where needed.
But then they have to show up of course...
So let's just wait...
You thought you where done...
not yet reader..
Zeldris is still here and wants to tell you what happend hihi.
Zeldris .p.o.v.

Today was the day I promised y/n to take Chandler to her, but it's not as easy as I thought.
I found Chandler and that was two days ago.
But he thought I was crazy when I asked him to come with me to the human world.
Of course I understand him because of everything that is going on there now, but y/n really needs him now.
And he still owes her a lot after keeping us separated for years.
Yet he must have something in return that is not easy to find.
And only a person I know owns her, but probably doesn't want anything to do with me right now.
Well, maybe when it comes to y/n since she set up an entire alarm system to protect y/n.
So I decided to take a chance and head towards Arthur's kingdom of Camelot.
I think they're already expecting me because I had only just entered the human world when she was standing right in front of me with a bottle of the material Chandler needed.
She looked at me emotionlessly and handed it to me.

"I don't know what you need it for, but as far as I know it has to do with y/n, so you're lucky otherwise I wouldn't have helped you this time Zeldris." she said sternly.

"Thank you Merlin and how did you know I was coming?"

"Do you think I only have an alarm system around y/n's house?"

I said nothing and Merlin grinned before going up in smoke again.
What else could I have expected from her.
Merlin is ready for anything, maybe that's why she rejected a demon and a sting, because she knew what would happen if she said yes.
But that's none of my business.
The only nice thing about this situation is that I don't have to make a long plane trip to pick up this stuff.
Although I don't know exactly what and what it is for.
It's probably important so I don't really care.
I went back to Chandler who looked very satisfied when I came back.
He didn't even let me land and said:

"Let's go quickly to my favorite student, because she's going to need those combo darkdust crystals."

Darkdust crystals, where have I heard that before..

"Wait Chandler aren't these the crystals for pure blood royal demons? What does y/n need them for.."

Chandler didn't answer and kept flying after me in silence, the question still lingering in my mind.

Is y/n part of a royal family in the demon world.. But I thought that besides our family the other royal demon family the l/n's had disappeared.
Many people say that the eldest son ran away and was never seen again and that he was murdered shortly afterwards.
Others say he is part of the missing couple.
But no one knows for sure what happened to him.
What I do know is that the rest of the family died from a curse that used their greed against them.
It couldn't be that Y/n... is an L/n, right...
And if that's true, does she know about it herself or...
Does she not know herself...

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