part 20

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Merlin nodded and snapped her fingers, and three blurry images emerged.

"Wow ..." I heard everyone say except Ban and Merlin.

"Well little one you're looking forward to it. I've never seen anything like this."

"And that's why we're going to do this! Let's get to work!"

Hey for the guys that didn't get the fact why they know who y/n was while she was in her human form, while she speeded the part she did everything she skipped the part she showed her human form for the people who didn't know.
That's it have fun reading~
Y/n's .p.o.v.

Merlin nodded and snapped her fingers, and three blurry images emerged.

"Wow..." I heard everyone say except Ban and Merlin.

"Well little one you're looking forward to it. I've never seen anything like this."

"And that's why we're going to do this! Let's get to work!"

We started immediately and had divided the tasks.
Me and Gloxinia would be busy making the stuff.
Merlin, Diane and Derieri would paint the children's section.
Zeldris and Estarossa make the furniture.
And Ban and Jericho took care of the painting and the puppets to put down.
And lastly, Monspreet is busy painting the toy department.
We were working hard and everything went according to plan.
And we are really having a good time.
And to my surprise, there were no problems between the two groups and they even got along.
They even changed groups themselves and now Ban and Estarossa are working together on the furniture and Zeldris and Jericho are doing the dolls and painting.
And Diane went to help Monspreet of her own accord.
We seemed to forget the whole part about groups and I loved it.
Gloxinia and I were also hard at work.
I had already made seven boxes full of different stuffed animals for the toy department and Gloxinia already had two boxes full of children's clothes, all in different models.
As far as I can see, this might be the best thing that's happened since we've been free.
And everyone is doing their best and we haven't even had a break yet.
So maybe it's time for that.
I put my things away and stood up.

"Hey guys! I think it's time for a break!"

I heard everyone coming our way and saw them all laughing.

"Hey guys are you okay?"

"Yes, it is going quite well. Monspreet and I are almost done painting." Diane said.

"Same goes for me and Jericho." said Zeldris.

"Then I assume that everything else is going well?"

Everyone immediately said yes and smiled.


We all then sat down in a circle and Merlin had teleported food.
We all sat down and started to eat.
And Gloxinia was the first to start the conversation.

"Hey y/n? I was actually wondering why are you really opening this store. I've known you all your life and a dad knows when there's more than you say."

I looked at him and sighed.

"I think you probably know that I was with Diane, Ban and Merlin at the time.
Which means that Meliodas was there ..
And..I found out that he hasn't really forgotten me.."

the sin of love..   (meliodas x reader)Where stories live. Discover now