S2 part 59

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"It's time, Y/n."

"Protect me, little me. And do as your heart directs you. Then you will know you have made the right choice."

Chandler stopped laughing and nodded with a serious face.I walked out of the room and Diabalus was already waiting for me with my little version in his arms.Chandler walked behind me and spoke to Diabalus.

"I'll take her over, my friend. She's safe with me."Diabalus immediately handed little me to Chandler and then took my hand.

I gave Chandler another look before I and Diabalus left for the meeting.


Y/n's .p.o.v.


We walked through the hallways and arrived at a large red door with gold accents.Diabalus opened the door and let me in first.My whole body became heavier as I walked into the room and saw the two people who not only killed this couple, but also cursed me.If I'm completely honest, I see them as relationship haters, because they are single themselves.A lonely demon and goddess.I looked away from the two and saw a small throne like chair and went over to the spot.Diabalus followed me towards the thrones, but he stopped before them.

"Supreme Deity Saiko & Demon General Majin, thanks for coming."

"The pleasure is ours King Diabalus. Thank you for the invitation." Saiko said.

"What was this meeting about again?" Majin asked.

"Today we were going to talk about what will happen to our empire, if anything were to ever happen to us."

I looked at Diabalus in shock, but quickly returned to normal.

"What's the plan then?"

"Well, Majin. We plan to hand over the empire to someone, but that person is far too young right now."

"And who will this person be, Your Highness?" Saiko asked.

"Her name is Y/n. She has mine and Torah's race in her blood and is perfect for the job."


I stood up and looked urgently at Manji.

"We never indicated that you would be the next leaders. Having a say does not mean you are the boss."

He rolled his eyes, they were fiery ones full of anger and irritation, but me and Diabalus ignored it completely.

"Y/n will need your help to rule the country. She is young and would love to have you as mentors when she grows up."

"Why would me and Majin do that?"

"Because you are our friends and we trust you with this task."

Saiko and Manji looked at each other and grinned in return before standing up.Manji grabbed me and pulled me towards him.As he did this, Saiko stuck a syringe into Diabalus' arm and sighed.

"Old friend, we will give you a choice. Or you will give us the realm to your death."

"Never, Y/n will-"

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