S2 Part 60

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I flew as fast as I could and looked around for Cusack. It took hours, and slowly, the thoughts of who I was looking for began to fade until I finally found him.

"Cusack!!! I have news!!"

Cusack looked up and rolled his eyes.

"Peronia, what have you done? Every time you want to tell me something in terms of information, you have also destroyed something in the area."

I looked away from Cusack and sighed with a hurt face.

"Well, that's not always the case. It's about the L/N family."

Cusack looked at me with interest and signaled me to land next to him. Without thinking about it, I landed past him and started telling him what I had heard while wandering around. I saw his eyes sparkle with surprise.

"The princess is still alive. Hah, finally something nice is going to happen! Peronia, we have to pass it on to the commandments right away."

"Yes, let's go right away!"

Cusack spread his wings and flew away. I then quickly took off myself and flew after him.---


As Peronia and I crossed the vast sky, headed for the inaccessible resting place of the Ten Commandments, I couldn't shake the gravity of our mission. The journey is long, and Peronia's incessant chatter provided both comfort and distraction. In his musings, he explored the potential impact of the fact that our princess is alive. Her presence held the promise of restoring peace and breaking the face of the cruelty and violence that had plagued our country for too long.

Although Peronia's theories are hypothetical, they speak to many emotions. The idea that mere knowledge of the princess's life could make a difference in our world was breathtaking and terrifying. Will her presence inspire hope and courage to face the oppressed? Or will it strike fear into those who were washed up in the midst of the storm, who clung to their strength like trees drifting in the storm?

During the journey, the land beneath us went from desolate to an abandoned castle, each region witnessing its own unique struggle but united by a common desire for peace, in which the Ten Commandments were seen as a light of righteousness, a sign of fear in the midst of darknessPeronia's wings beat wildly as she guided us to our destination, her determination matching mine. Because she wasn't just a partner in this quest, She was a guard bound by duty to protect the Princess and the legacy of the Old Kingdom because she knew the old king and queen before their deaths. I know that she always tormented Chandler into telling her what happened to them, but he never told her. For years, she hoped the stories of the princess were true, and now she knows they are. So she wants to get her on the throne with any might she has.After a while, we landed in a large, empty area with no sign of life.It was too empty, if you ask me, as if the place had something to hide.I wouldn't be surprised if someone put an invisibility spell around their location.
As Peronia and I entered the age-old sanctuary, an air of solemnity and eager anticipation enveloped us. The dim chamber was decorated with elaborate tapestries and detailed carvings that narrated the realm's storied past and the perpetual influence of the ten commandments.You could see they haven't been here for long, but they made it a place peaceful enough to live in.Me and Peronia looked around the place, searching for the presence of the ten commandments.

-A little while later-

Drawing closer to the pedestal where the sacred tablets lay, I was overtaken by a profound reverence for the sight before us. The tablets, etched with the eternal principles of justice and mercy, seemed to radiate a holy energy that cast a celestial light throughout the room.Peronia's expression was one of fierce resolve as she extended her hand towards the tablets, her fingers quivering with excitement. However, before her touch could meet the stone, a commanding voice filled the room.

"Who dares to reach for the sacred tablets of the ten commandments?"

We spun around, hearts thudding with a shock of fear and hope, to find one of the commandments of the sanctuary facing us, their aura emanating sagacity and authority.

"We seek enlightenment and support," I declared, my voice firm, though my heart fluttered with uncertainty. "The realm suffers, and we believe the princess, heir to the ancient throne, might possess the key to reinstating harmony."

The guardian's piercing gaze met ours, their faces obscured by the shadows of their hooded cloak. A hushed moment passed as they considered our plea, pondering the weight of our entreaty.Finally, they responded, their voice deep echoed with ages of accumulated wisdom. "The princess? You mean the princess that was supposed to be dead?"Peronia's nod was firm, her determination clear. "We have reason to believe she is alive."Galand looked shocked for a moment before their eyes softened with a touch of empathy. "What is the reason you think she may be alive?"

"Peronia saw her. She saw her alive and kicking."

"And do you know her name and how she looks?"

Peronia spoke up.

"I think her name is Y/n."

Galand his eyes widen.

"What did you just say?"

"Her name is Y/n."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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