part 0

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We were in the middle of a war that we call the holy war.
But if you I'm honest there isn't anything holy in this war at all.
People get hurt just for power and some will never come back..
And some like me are stuck in a forbidden love.
A love between a demon prince and a princess that is half fairy and half demon.
A prince how betrayed his people for a girl and a girl how would betray her people for him.
The two of them side by side,while evil strikes.
But evil isn't just on one side..
A God and a demon working together to put a curse on the lovers for life..
The boy coupled to a girl he didn't like and would always revive back to life..
And a girl locked away with her lovers brothers and she may never find a way out..
But they will never give op because that's the power of the sin of love...

the sin of love..   (meliodas x reader)Where stories live. Discover now