fifty five

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a/n: not to alarm you, but there are only a few chapters left in this book and this feels so bittersweet 🥺😭

Louis' POV:

It's been a few days since the accident, and I've spent most of my time at home resting, occasionally wandering to make myself some food whenever I got hungry. Harry's been absolutely incredible and (after some trial and error) he's made me some brilliant homestyle soups. Even after my insisting that I'm quite alright eating whatever leftovers are in the refrigerator, he's upped his cooking game just for me, and I'm flattered.

Chef Benito let me have off of work from the restaurant for the next week or so, or however long it takes for the doctors to clear me of my concussion. I'm not sure how well I'll be able to cook with a cast on, but he said we can play that one by year and adapt as needed.

Harry didn't have as much success with his work and he's going back today after a few days off, but I can handle myself better now that the pain and symptoms don't seem to be as bad. The cuts on my head have healed for the most part, and although I still need to be gentle washing them in the shower, they don't need to be re-bandaged multiple times a day anymore.

The cast and working to keep it dry is a bit of a pain, as well as the limited functions I have with that hand, but it's nothing compared to what sort of injured I could have gotten. Plus, Harry likes drawing on it when he's bored, so now there's a bunch of doodles and little love messages that make me grin when I see them. And call me a hopeless romantic, but I picked green just for him to match his eyes.

Harry's got some sort of appointment mid-day today (he had one yesterday too, but he wouldn't tell me for what) and he's leaving work early for it, so he left the house before I even got up this morning so he doesn't have to work overtime another day. I'm proud of him for how hard he works, and for everything he does to look after me.

Not having much else to do in an empty house with all of my friends out at work, I just spent the day lounging around in a pair of joggers and one of Harry's t-shirts that's way too big on me. I watch a few movies and pop some popcorn I find in the pantry, just waiting for him to come home. According to the doctors, my concussion should be gone in a few days but my head really doesn't hurt anymore which is a relief.

With that being said, I'll be straight up when I say I miss sex with Harry. Sex, sex, sex. I mean, of course it's on my mind, you can't blame me. It's been a week or so since Harry and I have done anything, and a lot has happened since then. In a weird way, it always felt like a constant within our relationship and things feel a little odd without it, like one piece of the puzzle is missing.

Harry keeps saying we should wait because of the 'no physical exertion' rule that the doctors sent us home with, but I know he's just as eager as I am. I keep telling him I'm fine, and he keeps saying not yet. I get that he's being protective, but c'mon Harry, just let me fuck you already. A cast and minor concussion (and that's practically gone) won't hold me back.

But still, sex or no sex, I'm so grateful to be back together with Harry. We never officially broke up, but it sure as hell felt like we did for those few and very, very treacherous days. I missed his warm arms, his curly hair, his cute little smile and dimples, and the way he kisses me on the forehead each morning before gets up even though he thinks I'm still sleeping.

Our communication is getting progressively better too, and I'm not one who's super open about my feelings but I'll work on it. Harry's practically a master at it, telling me how he feels all the time just to keep me informed. Except he refuses to tell me what his appointments are, just waving me off and saying "Don't worry about it, Lou Bear" when I asked him. I've got to assume it has something to do with his night terrors, which aren't as frequent but still sometimes give me a scare when he starts yelling in the middle of the night.

I make myself comfy on the sofa, flipping through the channels mindlessly as I wait for Harry's return. Sure, it's just a few hours until he'll be back, but I'm equally excited. Excited to have him in my arms, excited to cuddle up with him and play with his curls while he tells me about his day.

Excited to spend all my days and nights with the man I love most.

✰ ✰ ✰

Harry's POV:

Work feels like it takes forever today. I have a shoot in the next few days and today I was running around and trying on a bunch if different things the design team had for me. The outfits for this season are quite tasteful and I'd ordinarily be more than thrilled to try everything on, but today I'm just excited about getting back home to Louis.

When my work day finally ends, I'm in my office already packing up my things to head out. It's Friday, and I took Monday off of work so I'll have an extra nice weekend with Louis. Since he's feeling better and his concussion is almost or even completely gone now (according to the doctors estimated timeframe), we'll probably live it up tonight or on Saturday, and then I'm taking him out to the cafe for a relaxing Sunday.

I actually invited a lot of people to the cafe on Sunday so we could all hang out together: Zayn, Liam, Niall, Juan Luis, and Jen, who took the day off from working so she could sit down with all of us. I'm performing too, and I've got a nice set list and even a few originals to play, which I'm more than excited about.

I quit my daydreaming and slip out from work, giving Anna a quick goodbye before I'm in my car and driving downtown. She wishes me good luck after I filled her in on my weekend plans, and gives me a quick hug of encouragement.

The store I've been to only twice now isn't a long drive from work, and I'm there in no time. I park and pay the meter before heading inside and giving my name to the man at the door. He motions for me to go to the back counter, where another man seems to be waiting for me.

"Mr. Styles, welcome back." He gives a small smile, placing the item of interest up on the counter for me to see.

"Hello," I respond, way too excited to take a look to say anything else in greeting. It's quite beautiful and gives me butterflies at the sight of it alone.

"Do you think he'll like it?" I ask, consulting the man dressed in a fitted pinstripe suit in front of me, his pocket square the color of Louis' eyes.

"I think he'll love it," He grins from behind the counter. "We made sure that everything was in order, and the size is exactly what you asked it to be. There's some papers you need to fill out at the desk on the sidewall, but after that it's yours to take home."

I find myself just staring at it, like the little box has pulled me into some sort of trace. I've thought about this for ages. It represents the future I could have if things go well, the life and love I've always dreamed of. It's just hard to wrap my head around the fact that this might actually be happening. This could be my dream come true.

I thank the man and go over to the desk, where a small stack of what I imagine are insurance papers await me. The nice lady tells me where to sign when I sit down and I spend the next 15 or so minutes reading the documents and signing my name over and over. Finally, we reach the last paper and she sends me off with a smile.

The man behind the counter has wrapped the little box in a blue satin ribbon and put it in a small bag for me. I pick up the bag, thanking him for all of his help before leaving the store and heading back to my car.

Armed with not one, but two surprises, I drive home with my heart practically beating out of my chest. The excited anticipation is eating me up inside and I can't wait to get back home to Louis, to show him one of the two things I've got for him.

there's only like 2 chapters left and then (probably) an epilogue 🥺

^if you haven't already make sure to check out my other larry works/fanfics on my profile!!


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