Chapter 13: The sunshine in our lives..

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Aizawa's POV 

"It has been..


It has been.. maybe around 3 weeks? Or maybe 4 since both Rojo and Izuku went missing. Rojo left a note at our house saying that the kid is with him but..

Damn it..

All of us are worried, sickly. No trace was left, we can't find where Izuku's phone is, and we don't know why he left. No on heads seen him since he left school.

The entire class, including me, decided to go for a 'training' patrol to find their friend. 

To be honest, everything changed since the kid left. Everyone became so.. so..


Shinso's insomnia increased and he doesn't wish to speak with anyone. We noticed that All Might was stressing out for some reason, I kept on searching 24 hours every day, so Mic had to replace me during home room. 

Bakugo became so aggressive lately.. but he doesn't tell anyone to die or anything mean.. just to fuck off.. 


For the first time I don't know what to do.. I'm so lost.. in emotions and just basically. Where the fuck are they.. 

what if one of them got kidnapped.. what if they are being experimented on.. what if they are being tortured..

What if they are..

And please don't be.. I beg you..


I sighed, turning of the record I have been carrying and began flying through the city once more. The entire hero rescue team has been doing this for a while and we have searched almost half, if not a shit ton more  of the city. I feel like I am getting a tour. 

  Izuku was such a sweet, but mysterious boy.. he was so heroic and unbeatable. Even all might was scared of him, SCARED. Everyone loved him and cared about him. To be honest, I saw him as a son figure, if not just a son.. 

I feel like I am going insane lately. 

So many sleepless nights and.. 


Tears began rolling down my face. I sat on the edge of the same building we once did with Rojo. I can imagine the kids sweet, even though fake, voice.. he was such a good person. Rojo has been only trying to help everyone because he was never helped, and Izuku was inspired by him. Even Shinzo did too. Now.. since everyone is gone.. this feels like a nightmare

"Indeed I would think that you would be here once again."

I looked back, quickly wiping the remaining of tears I had.

"And indeed I knew you two, or three, were close."

"Principal Nezu-"

I tried standing up, but the animal pushed me down and sat next to me.

"Here you go."

He said, placing a coffee next to me.

"Talk to me, my human friend. Explain why you haven't been in school lately. Your students are worried."

"It's just.. this pains me.. everyone's lives turned upside down once both of those kids were gone and it's just-"

"It feels like they were the happiness in everyone's lives."

"Took the words out of my mouth.."




"I see. I apologies that I can not help in such a matter."

"Of course you can't. There are no witnesses, no trace, NOTHING."

"Calm down my two handed friend. As I said before, this indeed is a horrible matter. I would just like to know for now how you are doing."

"Shit, and I am not sorry for swearing. I haven't slept in weeks, my eyes are basically dying, but I feel like if I stop for just one second.. it all over..

What if they are being killed at this moment or are already dead."

"Then it won't be you fau-"



Apologies for the yelling, that was unprofessional for me"

The principal nodded, continuing.

"Loosing a loved one can hurt, and all of us have already been through that, haven't we? Sadly all of you lost two more, and I didn't even get a chance to meet these boys. Tell me, what we're they like?"

"They were the sun in everyone's lives. Both sweared. Izuku has green hair and green eyes. He lived in trauma and pain and was still battling it. Even though everyone gave up on him, he still wanted to become a hero."

"A sweet boy.. and what about th vigilante you never turned in?"

"Goof ball to be honest.. he kept on calling me Shittyzawa and loved to race. The kid just wanted to be a hero."

"Well aren't these two similar. I think I found your taste in kids"

"Don't say that, you sound weird."

"Pardon me, human language is not the highest of mine."

I nodded looking back at the sunset.

"Now here is why I came. Today there is going to be an operation happening. An enermous robbery. Present Mic, Endevour, midnight, sir nighteye, Gran Torino, and I will be attending."

"And you need one more..?"



"Alright lead the way"


(Get ready for what happens next! The next chapter will be around 5 thousand words, so please excuse me if I take a long time. I want you little readers to have the best experience ever! Anyways, I must go because I got English right now and I keep messing up on the new schedule and missing it, so the teacher probably already hates me. LOVE YALL. GET READY TO READ THE NEXT CHAPTER)

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